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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Depends where is your development installation? Is the mail server working fine? Both licenses are the same but one is a dev- and not a owned-
  2. Michael

    Two Big Issue

    The license thing is true but the guys can help you here, they may ask you to email them and discuss it privately or PM, but the reseller agreement states they are the ones to support you or you have the forum to get help from us the community and the development team. You can find out more here: http://docs.blesta.com/display/support/Getting+Support As for the information you forgot to tell us if you are using a control panel like cPanel, DirectAdmin, InterWorx or none. As it varies per. It could be one of the following: - Not full root path /chroot/home/username/domain.com/html/billing/ for example for InterWorx, /home/username/public_html/billing/ for cPanel. /var/www/html/ or something for non control panels. - Cron job url isn't correct or Cron job actions, like on InterWorx it's best to have the following: --- Shell: /bin/bash --- Path (One per line): /usr/local/bin ------ /bin ------ /usr/bin ------ /usr/local/sbin ------ /usr/sbin ------ /sbin ------ /home/interworx/bin I had the same issue when I moved to InterWorx and the above fixed it for me. Cron job didn't include full url and the actions wasn't right. Hope it helps a bit. Also helps if you include PHP version, OS Version and MySQL version as it could be down to one of them. Second issue: Could be down to how you are doing the piping and control panel, please state the above and we can help you.
  3. A simple edit to structure file mate, did it for him on teamviewer
  4. Haha I'm a InterWorx user myself
  5. Sounds good wonder what they are haha might chirp in and get one.
  6. Yep on the page Paulov said you need Invoice format: {year}-{num}
  7. They pay offline, I don't believe there should be a button because what will it do?
  8. Michael

    Generate Password

    Settings > Company > Custom Client Fields > Add > Custom Regex
  9. Hello mate, You want to go to: /settings/company/currencies/active/ And don't set a PRE-fix (Before) but a SUF-fix (After) Like so:
  10. 2.5 had a lot of modules / plugins, 3.0 is modular and modern. Just because it's not full of modules doesn't mean it's not good... WHM** took since 2005 to get where they are, built on top of it, Blesta took a new approach to 3.x and isn't full of third party stuff for over 7 years.
  11. The thing is (http://www.forum.modulesgarden.com/hyde-park/blesta-versus-whmcs-t1752/) ModulesGarden made an agreement with WHM** to not do anything for Blesta, so you can't really say that, as they took the cheap way out.
  12. I meant they might be willing to do one for you and others who use Blesta for free for your custom....
  13. I think they might be trialing it and then moving to blesta after not sure.
  14. You need to make a order form and then go to packages > Order form > Settings and select a default form and when they click order on the portal it will take them to the order page.
  15. I wonder if they'd do a plugin for you?
  16. That's down to a setting or server issue. Setting issues: 1) /settings/company/automation/ > Provision Paid Pending Services: active 2) Cron job. Server issues: 1) SMTP issue.
  17. I believe so, as for CORE-977 you can use this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1852-ldap-authentication-plugin/ CORE-1127 is completed in 3.3.0 beta.
  18. Account Actions > View mail log > Click row > Resend
  19. Sorry I took this in the wrong tone: Again, not going to move until its established. Cant bank on the fact that it might be developed. in which I replied in (the same tone). My opinions are my own and nothing to do with Blesta, the work hard and can't do everything, so people have to wait to me it seemed you just wanted to push them to develop it and scrap everything else. Again sorry I took it the wrong way and you want to just use Blesta.
  20. Fair enough your loss then.
  21. If you do that, then you might as-well add tons of warnings, everywhere and then you'll complain they are in the docs... stupid in my opinion.
  22. Michael

    Generate Password

    Custom Regex and use this: /^\d{4,6}$/ or /^\d{4}$/ Top 4 - 6 digits, bottom 4 digits.
  23. cPanel Extended is out though?
  24. You need to remove the 1 folder in the /cache/ folder this will clear it and reset the links .
  25. Michael

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    sales @ domain.com
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