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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    welcome email

    Have you created an order form?
  2. Michael

    welcome email

    If you are copying anything always make sure it's not got any hidden html codes which cause H2O to go crazy. What I do is paste it into the text box and then copy and pate it into the html box. If you ask you get help it's not for developers as I am far from that.
  3. depends on your installation but the error being removed by removing .htaccess means the Apache Rewrite isn't working probably.
  4. depending on the version there might be a hot fix to replace the licensed files. If it's not that try removing the .htaccess does it work now?
  5. Have you got a htaccess issue or a hotfix missing? hotfix-php56?
  6. You're welcome MineHarvest helped with the Universal Module, the order plugin is editable but you have to edit the files as in code. /plugins/order/......
  7. Welcome to Blesta. You can do that if you edit the order system plugin but I'm not sure myself a developer would have to help @Paul, @Tyson, @Jono, @GosuHost, @Blesta Addons Has the order been accepted? Is manual activation on the order form enabled or has a fraud module stopped it and put it in pending, or has the cron job been set-up it takes 5 minutes to provision it on WHM... If that fails check that the password is strong enough as cPanel has up'd the requirement. You can view pending orders: Billing > Order widget. Not sure what happens with none is active but I would recommend the Universal Module myself.
  8. Sounds like the fraud pro isn't calling home the information or something on your install on @GosuHost's install it shows up for me.
  9. Gosuhost and @ExpertIntegrations are the two best guys. gosuhost.com and expertintegrations.com
  10. Michael

    2 Languages

    Do you want the customers to have their own client area / admin area if so you need the multi-company addon and redirect the domains to the folder location and the hostnames can have their own language. The other way is to use @Blesta Addons's Multiple language addon I think that might work. The BlestaCMS allows multi-language but not sure if the domain could direct to the correct language uri like .com = english and then yourdomain.nl loads up .com somehow with /nl/ The only ways I can think you can achieve that.
  11. Bitcoin Gold? WTF lol
  12. Lol true I think I only want digibyte coins but accept more
  13. Hi did you apply the hot fix? if you did apply it have you checked the php version and if ioncube is installed on both cli and gui versions of PHP?
  14. January 23, 2018 Alcester; Blesta.Store now accepts cryptocurrencies to purchase Blesta, BlestaCMS and other services. Accepted cryptocurrencies: - Bitcoin - LiteCoin - Digibyte (Save 5% off*) - Dash - Monero - Ether - ZCash * Not valid with other discounts.
  15. Hi they work without the CMS but it's just the plain integration, you can view them on the order form, you want the NON cms group if you don't want the BlestaCMS friendly one.
  16. I always recommend pasting into the text box and then copying it into the html side.
  17. Michael

    Dev for hire

    I recommend @GosuHost Mike does my CMS for me.
  18. Sorry but this is a Blesta forum, for the Blesta billing system. Please go to their community forums for help.
  19. You're welcome I'll close this due to it not being a bug
  20. You need to ensure it doesn't restart straight away without caching the call: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Plesk#Plesk-CommonIssues Are you running Blesta on a Plesk server that you are provisioning accounts to? If so, you must enable Apache graceful restart in Plesk.
  21. Are you using Blesta on the same Plesk you are creating accounts on?
  22. I'm hoping to have a new one in 1.3.0 but we need some sales so I can invest into it haha so i can buy the license and then we need to get it perfectly working. Blesta removed the one included in Blesta's portal and which we use for the articles but because it added <p></p> around everything and strips the top and bottom of the code they removed it. Which is why we don't use it as-well. This is something I don't really want at all due to security reasons but a few people want it so I may add it but with a warning. But we need to work out the best way to do it.
  23. You're welcome I had that issue when Safari was auto-filling so I had to disable it :).
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