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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Make the package inactive.
  2. The thing is, trying to do that, which services goes to which customer, or how can it get the details to create a client?
  3. Woops and then it's a no anyway lol
  4. Yeah everything looks fine here I said the above as you didn't mention you thought it was a bug except the title haha but everything looks fine on your side server wise. Can you please do us a favour and go to: /config/blesta.php and change error_reporting from 0 to -1 and go to that page and see if throws a Blesta error. Might be a missing file issue.
  5. As DomainGood said, there's no way to restore a database without a copy of the database.
  6. What do you mean? admin/billing/services/in_review/ works fine for me direct. See video: http://screencast.com/t/bwwZS73wpe
  7. Erm, this isn't the support forum but I believe it's a server issue. Can you tell which these please: PHP Version: OS Version: MySQL version: Blesta version: Control Panel:
  8. The cron one is 4 orders correct. however they was paid firstly on the 12th of October, before my cut off date which is the 23rd of each month.
  9. Make payment is a add credit, if there's no invoices you enter an amount and click pay and go to the gateway and then you get it as account credit...
  10. A mobile email order template? +1 if it's that.
  11. If they click add credit to their account without a invoice they can only add the minimum or more.
  12. +1 maybe a nice feature for add credit feature.
  13. Reported by my customer, the invoice dates don't seem correct. New invoice comes up as (12 Sep 2014 - 01 Oct 2014) When issued with the new period. But when a customer pays both aka after the Pro rata Cutoff Day period the invoice shows: (27 Sep 2014 - 01 Oct 2014) (01 Oct 2014 - 01 Nov 2014) Which is correct. Generated by Cron: New order after cut off day:
  14. yes that's correct, because that's the default one, if nothing is in the package groups then it skips it, but that's the only one designed for it. The others are for other packages. Having a non Standard for a domain form does nothing, it's the same one.
  15. Yes, delete the invoices / services and then on blesta just click delete client, it will delete everything else linked to that client.
  16. Right on here I see your mistake:
  17. Good luck sounds like a good cause mate.
  18. You could open yourself to exploits using them...
  19. Meh Limited companies sound complicated more with the silly things you guys have to do, dreading becoming one.
  20. Well why not edit the invoice to put a - number and it will close or do that and void it. Or use Pro-Formla invoices and if they aren't paid it's done.
  21. Yep Mac is a unix haha.
  22. Not sure about this sorry, you can just make a "Record payment" type, they get a email and it's recorded on the system. If it's not being applied to a invoice it goes as credit.
  23. oh and Paulov, Mac's are also effected by the Bash etc bugs
  24. If I buy a car I can do what I like with it, drive off road, drive in the snow, drive into water.. no-one can stop me no-one can say I can't.
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