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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Yes if the invoice is for 4k and they have 2k credit it will be applied to the invoice and they pay the rest.
  2. Check? Cheque? you can just generate an invoice and then record a payment.
  3. A bigger database doesn't slow down anything though so not much of an improvement.
  4. Yeah not by default though haha.
  5. Nope I'll just expand the server space. I'm not a host and if you have more customers you'll be able to afford a little bit more to expand the diskspace.
  6. Ask them to click Make a payment, put the amount in and click pay Eg: http://screencast.com/t/mqx3oNbXxUj and click the button.
  7. Sorry I put it on your other thread: Go to /config/routes.php edit the following: /** * Admin panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.admin", "admin"); /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "clients");
  8. Why on earth would you want a category for an invoice? Just make an invoice for 2 hours @ 60.00 and put a flat fee on another row?
  9. It's a bit like most systems, you have a client area and a admin area. Clients go to /clients or your client route, mine is customers. Admin area is /admin or your admin route. You can set these in /config/blesta.php /** * Admin panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.admin", "admin"); /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "clients"); You also have to remember each area has different templates and different files. As for not allowing clients to open tickets without being logged in there's a nice little section on the department which says: Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets Tick it and they have to be "Logged in" to open a ticket / reply to a ticket.
  10. Not sure about this as I prefer letting the customer choose so I'll say -1 for now .
  11. I know how you feel, I always feel that way when Blesta is stable, however there's going to be some more big changes in 3.4 as always
  12. I believe it's part of CORE-547 as Cody stated it here. But that's all I know sorry, the developers will know more
  13. Michael

    Selling Reseller?

    You just have to click reseller then it will make it a reseller, you will need to make reseller perms under reseller center thingi.
  14. Michael

    Selling Reseller?

    What's the version of your cPanel module? I don't have a cPanel server to test it again on my installation. cPanel should be cPanel (ver 2.2.0) but I used the 1.0.0 one when I used it.
  15. Michael

    Cron Problem

    I depends on how much stuff it's processing or if something is running at the same time causing it to wait for the other thing to continue, it's normal and I've had it before when I used on cPanel. 3.2.x does have the cron job link.
  16. Michael

    Cron Problem

    It could be processing a lot, or it's stuck, depending on your version of Blesta, a link to cancel the cron job will appear after a certain time. Or you can do this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1052-system-status-there-are-one-or-more-cron-tasks-that-have-been-executing-for-more-than-60-minutes/
  17. Michael

    Selling Reseller?

    There should be a bullet point to click reseller as follows: You can find more about the cPanel module here mate: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/cPanel#cPanel-CreatingPackages
  18. Glad it worked, you're welcome we're all here to help And thank you we'll look forward to your custom .
  19. Do you have a .htaccess effecting folders in the root? or a .htaccess in the billing folder?
  20. Ah ok thank you, it might be a server issue or softaculous issue, I've not got premium active on my server so I can't try it sorry.
  21. Michael

    Release 3.3.0

    I love it, and it's amazing as usual roll on 3.4
  22. I'll +1 that password shouldn't be included by default however you can add it in if you wish. As for the email rotate I'm going to -1 that since a customer will probably go well you didn't email me that before... Yes we did!
  23. Yeah you'll have to remove it from the database, we always recommend users to change that when they've installed Blesta to something like ****** [Hidden for security]
  24. Not sure but I believe you need to keep records of all emails sent to customers. All other logs are deleted every month if set to rotate in the settings.
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