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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I believe you want to make addon packages to assign them to a standard package, so they can select them if they want them extra?
  2. Ah if you could update please and see if it still is effected.
  3. It might be a bug mate, are you using 3.3.1?
  4. Nice work .
  5. Michael

    Release 3.3.1

    Upgraded thanks guys roll on 3.4 haha
  6. You can do either of these: 1. Make a package per domain (.com) then another for (.net) or 2. Select all the domains for the same price and then another package for another group of domains for another price.
  7. I think (sort of know) it's in /plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/main_packages.pdt however I'm not sure how you can change it from the lowest_price to the highest_price for you.
  8. Yes Client account > Account Actions > View mail log > Resend. Not yet Naja7Host I believe is doing one.
  9. Stripe does, it automatically takes money from the clients a day before the due day. The client pays with a card and then turns on Auto Debit on their account it will then automatically take it.
  10. Can you please attach a pdf or a screenshot preview for the guys please?
  11. People don't reliase Blesta 3.x is coded from the bottom up. If NameSilo cared about their customers they'd do a module, it's not like they are focusing on other things than selling domains which doesn't take a lot of man power to be honest. Blesta has 3 great guys coding every working day trying to make Blesta better and bigger and keeping it secure. If you want a rushed product fair enough but you'll be updating 10x more and complaining stuff isn't working.
  12. That might be why, I believe you need to use a module like Logicboxes / etc for the search query as it uses their API to check if it's available.
  13. Which Tld are you searching for and what module are you using mate?
  14. Never knew it did to be honest.
  15. Why would someone think it was their package options and not the package? To someone with common sense, they'd think it was to cancel their package to be honest with you, not their options. If it was a cancel button on the addon's manage page yes that would be common sense to cancel the addon but not the package.
  16. I'm not sure about that as you've never seen that on another system, it's just cancel...
  17. Nope not at all.
  18. Same with InterWorx. Restricted Domains: A list of domains that cannot be created in SiteWorx for security purposes.
  19. +1 for client side option to renew early.
  20. Nor me, and I've use Blesta on two installations (main and demo) and used them since beta.
  21. That's it haha AES256, can maybe all modules on Blesta encrypt the passwords with it mate?
  22. Blesta has a decryption for their sort of encryption things so they can use what they do for fields and card details
  23. +1 would be nice if it was bcrypt & SHA256 or something which Blesta uses
  24. Nope no issues, you can use the Https override in the .htaccess provided with Blesta, just remove the #.
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