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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I've edited the title as it's not really helpful in it's current form as you have another thread with the same title.
  2. Michael


    you can ask the guys to add it or you can add it yourself. If you ant to enable it by default you can add 'autostart' => 1, 'usesource' => 1 in: /components/modules/centovacast/centovacast.php you can also make a custom field and have it editable by following what the other values are. If you can code you could add a configurable option to the module and make the package have a charge for autodj.
  3. Hi which module are you using? did you import from another system?
  4. Michael


    It looks like you can't with the Blesta module: 'hostname' => !empty($vars['centovacast_hostname']) ? $vars['centovacast_hostname'] : null, 'username' => $this->generateUsername($vars['centovacast_hostname']), 'adminpassword' => $this->generatePassword(), 'sourcepassword' => $this->generatePassword(), 'title' => !empty($vars['centovacast_title']) ? $vars['centovacast_title'] : null, 'genre' => !empty($vars['centovacast_genre']) ? $vars['centovacast_genre'] : null, 'ipaddress' => !empty($vars['centovacast_ipaddress']) ? $vars['centovacast_ipaddress'] : $row->meta->ipaddress, 'port' => !empty($vars['centovacast_port']) ? $vars['centovacast_port'] : 'auto', 'email' => !empty($vars['centovacast_email']) ? $vars['centovacast_email'] : null, 'url' => !empty($vars['centovacast_hostname']) ? 'http://' . $vars['centovacast_hostname'] : null, 'autostart' => 1 Looking at the API it's possible to add it in the module: usesource (int) Specifies whether or not the stream uses autoDJ capabilities. For reseller accounts, this is the default setting used for all of the reseller's clients, and if set to 0 the reseller cannot create autoDJ-enabled accounts at all. Possible values include: 0 - Use of autoDJ is permitted, but disabled by default 1 - Use of autoDJ is permitted, and enabled by default 2 - Use of autoDJ is prohibited (live source must be used) http://www.centova.com/doc/cast/internals/API_Reference/system_class_method_reference#common_settings_that_can
  5. Michael


    sure fire it away mate.
  6. Michael


    Blesta's module doesn't allow you to change it, if Centova cast allows you to change it in theirs it may not be in the API. best to ask @Paul
  7. Michael


    do you mean the client can't change it?
  8. Maybe Plesk Extended, Proxmox Cloud or DCIM module for Blesta?
  9. I wonder if you can use that then to get the money back.
  10. I agree but its down to the person who started the funding we can't force them.
  11. but with a pre-order you pay a retail shop, but with this people paid on a crowdfunded with all funds going even if they didn't meet the target. If I pre-ordered a game with Argos (uk shop) I'm protected by the UK laws and regulations but if the shop closed down and into administration I could lose everything. Happened to Game: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/dec/05/playstation-4-gamers-frustrated-ps4-pre-order-failures-game-sony They only got their PS4 because Game was saved by another company.
  12. it depends I only invest after, unless paying for a custom one for myself where I put 50% up. I'll mark it as broken until he releases the new version.
  13. That's the issue of donating, to donate you are essentially giving money to help it. If you bought it you would be protected by the money back guarantee / PayPal. But there's been no movement, no updates, no previews so I'm just watching and thinking shall we mark it as broken to alert others that the module is un-useable in it's current form.
  14. Any new Blesta modules / plugins guys?
  15. I wouldn't get your hopes up if it continues I may have to mark the thread as broken module as the old one apparently doesn't work and the new one isn't coming.
  16. Already got a feature request open for this guys: And under https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1912
  17. you can also search product labels now.
  18. uploads / log_blesta 777 or 700.
  19. You can disable it telling it's correct but it does that to stop brute forcing. eg: I hacked your email account, and I know you have an account so I keep trying everything until it goes to your email address. Disable it: /config/blesta.php find: // Default password reset value. Set to true for improved security, false for more accurate error reporting Configure::set('Blesta.default_password_reset_value', true); change it to false.
  20. Michael


    are they in the same package group? if not are all the groups on the order form
  21. Michael

    welcome email

    if it's cPanel it should work as there's nothing extra a reseller needs minus having a link to whm.
  22. Michael

    welcome email

    Blesta doesn't use {$ } so that's why it's not working H2O doesn't support it try: https://blesta.store/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/12/cpanel/14/
  23. Michael

    welcome email

    Do you have teamviewer I could see what you are doing and help?
  24. Only Paul knows but I thought it was Blesta otherwise I've had it since the start haha and don't know where I got it from.
  25. Michael

    welcome email

    Did you do what I said mate? Copy the text from the page you got the welcome email from paste it into the text box the one which says text on it. Then copy and paste it into the html box, the one which says html on it. That means your Mod_Rewrite is playing up.
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