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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Have you got any addons? they also show up and look like configurable options?
  2. It's cheaper because we have a cut off date of the 23rd, any orders before that isn't a full month however days --> 1st.
  3. Hello mate, Works on mine: http://screencast.com/t/dAhQVMXzgp You then said it doesn't work on General for you so I tried that and another order form and it works fine for me: http://screencast.com/t/lJIfBLbWLa5V I use Blesta 3.3.1 and InterWorx, PHP 5.4.x and MySQL 5.5.x so It might be your environment. GoGetSSL Module: GoGetSSL (ver 2.0.1)
  4. What version of Blesta are you using and what is your server / module versions?
  5. In 3.4 / 3.5 can't remember it's just a button to click however at the moment you need to do some edits. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3178-remove-option-to-register-with-custom-username/
  6. Cool website it found 8 to my name. I've been letting most of them expire though https://whoisology.com/email/archive_7/domains@licensecart.com https://whoisology.com/email/archive_7/mike@licensecart.com
  7. Michael

    Ban Ips?

    Nope not yet, there was a feature thread about it. You can however ban them at server level with a Firewall known as APF or CSF
  8. If you move to InterWorx mate haha you won't go back to cPanel
  9. It's not impossible but you would need to change a lot of the code to make it like the admin area where you can drag and drop, save the locations for each customer.
  10. Sorry I was thick and didn't reliase when Blesta says "Force Graceful Restart" it was under another section so I told the client that it was the auto restart, which it wasn't there is a section above the PHP saying Force Graceful Restart. For anyone else: Slap on my hand for being stupid.
  11. Erm... ModulesGarden code is crap, and insecure. And technically you are comparing one to another version wise just because of "logos" and not using others code and claiming to own it.
  12. That PR looks like it's from them, and anyone can write a PR saying they are the most popular or the best. I used to think ResellerClub was the best which is owned by Directi until they sold of to EIG. LicenseCube thought they was the biggest distributor for WHM** however when WHM** database was released they wasn't, LicensePal was. Plus we're just 2 members of the community, not staff.
  13. Oh do you mean as a client? You can't only admins.
  14. Most commercial add-ons are encoded, so are ModulesGardens.
  15. Just drag and drop mate.
  16. Not sure if others would like this, so I thought I'd post a thread, I know you can remove the cut off date but if people like it then maybe it could be a feature request haha. I've got customers who order half way in the month when it's cheaper (Before cut off date) and then cancel it before the invoice is due. Then re-order after the price isn't full again, so they seem to get it cheaper. I was thinking if maybe there could be an override which means you can enable it on the client account and it stops them being on a pro-rota package but paying the full month. At the moment let's say: Order (5th) --> pay amount --> Cancel (21st) --> re-order (5th) --> pay amount --> Cancel (21st)... etc. If this was a feature Order (5th) --> pay amount --> Cancel (21st) --> Disable on client profile --> re-order (5th) --> Pay full amount --> Renew 5th.
  17. Are you using the primary email address?
  18. Haha woops I missed that
  19. Michael

    Importer Issues

    Shouldn't have used WHMCS before haha nah it's just WHMCS doesn't know how to do accounting. They also pay two invoices with another invoice, which doesn't help. The best way I would suggest is try and sort them out on WHMCS before importing.
  20. You can do so with the CSS toolkit so you don't need to keep editing it
  21. It just means Unlimited uses for a certain time, we do that too Like Black Friday which is coming up soon. +1 maybe a check box.
  22. Michael

    Unlimited Use Coupon

    No way at the moment a nice feature request we use 9999999
  23. Ah I see.
  24. Don't know to be honest with you haha that's why I kept out of it, I've not had any issues with it and no-one has complained to me.
  25. I've only started using it haha I had to delete a lot of emails for my mobile@
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