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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Domain Checker

    Well every time WHMCrapSolution do a update the importer will need tweaking cause they like to break and change things
  2. It's a hard task to do and as far as I'm aware it's not got a ETA yet.
  3. They have to hit cancel at end of term before they are given a invoice. We check every invoice in the billing tab and monitor if they are paid. if they aren't paid we then check to see if they have a service and void it.
  4. That's coming soon that I know of, there's going to be a log of what the client changes in their information haha
  5. You're welcome, welcome to blesta
  6. Looks like something doesn't have a value for a client_id. unless the client was removed and the data was still stored. The guys will know more about that.
  7. Do you have a firewall enable on any server which could be blocking the connections?
  8. Yes It just excepts 5.2+
  9. In the future hopefully.
  10. It doesn't any-more as we all said it was better it was it's own plugin.
  11. One is probably Blesta's plugin and the other is this one
  12. So we need to use: {% if %} {% endif %} That worked for me mate. Thank you.
  13. Good luck we're here if you need help.
  14. 2. Yes however you just use the patch zip unless it's a new build like 3.4.x 3.5.x etc. Sorry missed that . 3. It's included in Blesta please go to Settings > Plugins > Import Manager > Click on 5.3 you can find out more about it here: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Import+Manager and for the WHMCS stuff: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/WHMCS+5.2
  15. Americans British English is yuck.
  16. 1. Yes you can trial it by downloading the files and on installation select 30 day trial. 2. It depends you can see how often they are updated here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/16-news/?sort_key=start_date&sort_by=Z-A 3. Yes it should be able to do all of them.
  17. Britain is confusing in every way haha some words mean this and that depending how it's used that's why I prefer American English mate
  18. This appears to be resolved in CORE-1390, fixed in 3.3.2 and 3.4.0 and is a duplicate of this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3550-incorrect-date-in-invoices/. So I will close this thread.
  19. PayFast not that I know of. You could ask them to see if they could do one for Blesta as they seem to provide the other integrations for other systems. "[snip]...which is provided by PayFast." Otherwise you can open a feature request on the forum and it might be done by the Blesta development team however they are done by demand.
  20. Yep you can use the offline payment, we put our bank details in and use that too.
  21. I'm not sure sorry, but Paul might be on in a few minutes to help you here however unless you mean can you accept Bank Transfer as a payment type on Blesta itself, yes you can we use the Offline payment gateway for that.
  22. Template parse error: elseif tag doesn't exist This is good if you want to do this: {% if package.name == "Product A" %} Whatever goes here. {% elseif package.name == "Product B" %} Whatever goes here. {% else %} This is for packages not listed above. {% endif %}
  23. All Blesta's database files for 2.5 is in: /inc/config.php if you import up to 3.x it's /config/blesta.php
  24. Posh area haha my mate Callum is from East Riding Yorkshire haha.
  25. Yeah it's a authority (council) but the ISO list it so Blesta uses that same with other countries it means they are correct etc
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