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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Not sure what they are on about, but when a user pays with their crappy gateway they go to their site and then redirect back to your site. Bit like this but this is outdated a bit: Unless they are talking about their new checkout style: https://www.2checkout.com/hosted-checkout
  2. PayPal is just better than 2Checkout unless you want to have late payouts and higher risk of your account being closed. PayPal also doesn't require the user to sign up.
  3. You could use Blesta for this but you'll have to show the picture of the seating plan and then two dropdown boxes on the universal boxes, with the row and seats.
  4. Have you customised the client structure file? Javascript / etc can conflict with Blesta's and cause issues.
  5. Just make another package for the 2 year domain Someone else is doing a module for this registrar as-well mate if your interested: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3693-synergy-module-to-register-and-transfer-domain/
  6. Yeah, you could ask for ID and see if it matches fully? but yeah better to be safe and clean than have issues and regret it.
  7. You can say that mate, or Sorry, however due to your history of spamming which we don't tolerate, we don't want to do business with you, thank you for your interest and good luck.
  8. Michael

    Upgrade Problems...

    Hello mate, So you was running 3.1.3 and upgraded to 3.3.2? If so yes you need the support and updates, if you have a monthly license you don't need to worry. You can upgrade to 3.1.4+ as long as it's not 3.2.x or 3.3.x for free, unless you have the support and updates which allows you for another year. If you buy the Lifetime license you don't need to worry about that error.
  9. 3.3.2 is the latest and I recommend you upgrade to it. I believe 0 quantities aren't displayed. If it is just make them inactive or restricted.
  10. What pricing currency does the tcdb packages have? Also how is your currencies set-up?
  11. It's out now in the release section....
  12. It's in the video
  13. Michael

    Release 3.3.2

    Woo! Upgrade went well thanks guys just need 3.4 now haha.
  14. Seems to be with every WHMCS import
  15. Not sure about the dates but there's a date bug on invoices (Not due dates). So the last date is known as CORE-1390, fixed in 3.3.2 and 3.4.0. But not sure if it's fully the same thing.
  16. Sounds like a issue with GoGetSSL itself. Have you checked the logs? Tools > Logs > GoGetSSL > Click row.
  17. The only bits I missed there mate is: 1. Adding the account for the API (because namecheap refused to give me access until I paid them money haha.) That's after adding the module click on Add account on the right, fill in the form and save. 2. Package > Groups > Add a group > Called it domains. 3. Add a order form called domain-name Type: Domains and other, dropdown box: domains (Group above) and then saving the order form.
  18. It might be their cache. or Google cache: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/cache
  19. If you edit the module you'll spot a section for the SSLs, they are one step ahead mate haha. Just when it's coming well that's another story .
  20. Include a JS file you can do it with the CSS, JS, Html plugin in the marketplace, as for injecting it into a function not sure how or if you can.
  21. 1. Make a package group for the domains. 2. Make a package for the domains and do the prices or make a package per tld. 3. Make a order form for the domains, select Type: Domains and other. Select the domain's package group from the dropdown. 4. Save it.
  22. Before 2015 hopefully. They are still working on the last part of 1/3 for the 3.4.
  23. Always use the 2443 port mate, also I've never used Debian before so I can't be much help. But this was the only thing I could find which might be of help: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15632502
  24. It depends try using: yum install php-soap libxml -y on both servers to double check for me please. Then go to InterWorx, click on System Services > Web Server and check the following: If all that is sorted check the packages: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3130-interworx-module-error/
  25. cPanel cron jobs vary (If you want it automatic): - /usr/local/bin/php instead of /usr/bin/php If it did it and gave a error, the server might have timed out.
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