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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Use something better: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3437-plugin-css-javascript-toolbox-magic-box/
  2. have you accidentally clicked it off.
  3. You can't upgrade via Softaculous if you didn't install Blesta with it. You'll have to move the old files to a new location. remove the folder. Install Blesta with Softaculous to the old folder. Then import via the Import manager.
  4. Have you got unlimited on the package?
  5. Who's your registrar? Cause it could be a API issue.
  6. You need to add .uk to the list of domains. Go to: /components/modules/logicboxes/config/logicboxes.php Edit: Configure::set("Logicboxes.tlds", array( by adding: ".uk", to the list. Then it depends to your registrar, if it's not in GA it won't work. If someone has the .co.uk it won't work.
  7. It is updated and correct. What's wrong about it? It's not completed yet but hey it works. By the way the latest is 3.3.2 so where did you get 3.3.3? We have a simple knowledgebase with information but the docs are correct, up-to date and we recommend customers to use it.
  8. NetEarthOne is the best one I've experienced. However I am personally looking at OpenSRS when I get cash spare to pay their $99 deposit money is needed elsewhere at the moment.
  9. You can My info > Notices > Creation error. If it's not there Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > edit Admin > tick boxes. Eg: Hi Michael, There was an error provisioning the following service: Service Name -- Client ID Client Name Client Email Address Manage Service The pending service may need to be modified so that it can be provisioned automatically or it may need to be provisioned manually. Error: ErrorCode:-9001|Message:General System Error. Please contact your service provider.
  10. You need the modules logs mate.
  11. It should run 5 minutes after you paid...
  12. Well it might be something server side. Because when you have manually provision. You have to accept it. It then is pending and when the cron runs it makes it active unless there's a unpaid invoice for it.
  13. never knew that mate.
  14. I don't think ISPSystems is in the same market as Blesta, they charge you a bomb for support (two free tickets per month, extra tickets for a fee).
  15. 1. Have you ticked that box. 2. Have you ticked the Quantum Gateway on the order forms. 3. Quantum Gateway uses cards.... Aka you have to use the card form on the left. 4. If that doesn't show you need to enable them. Settings > Billing > Accepted Payment Types > Tick boxes. What a waste of time for not asking here... before moaning...
  16. Michael

    £ Showing As Â!

    PHP encoding? Apache encoding?
  17. Michael

    £ Showing As Â!

    You need UTF-8 encoding on your server.
  18. Good news haha I'm moving to PHP 5.6 on InterWorx when 5.1 comes out
  19. Haha if they can find a way around a cleaner database and un-encrypt stuff... when they can't probably encrypt stuff
  20. Delete your database.
  21. I'd check to see if the file has become corrupted and needs re-uploading again.
  22. You can download Blesta from the website and use the free 30 day trial? Or if you can email sales@blesta Paul will help you get a trial key . All the registrar modules are open so you can see them in the /components/modules/ folder.
  23. Why not bump one up as it would be easier to track than people making new threads?
  24. Maybe some suggestions you would like to see would help... As that's like me saying to BurgerKing that I believe they need to change or add to their burger but not explaining what I would like to see on it or how it could be better.
  25. yes CORE-514 in 3.4
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