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Everything posted by Michael

  1. If you use a reliable decent provider you will probably not have any issues at all. The license is valid per IP / Location of the files / Domain If something is changing it will complain and you will need to re-issue and provide the license key. That's the only way the license will be asked.
  2. $14?? They sell them for $9.50? And OVH is horrible hosting / vps.
  3. You can't sell a monthly license. But I believe it's a server issue.
  4. Not sure you could try it as you need what Tyson mentioned lib packages or something I don't use cPanel anymore and not got a client who I can test stuff on.
  5. Sounds like your IP is jumping or blocking the blesta license server. If you are paying $14 I take it your direct, open a ticket with Blesta, ask them to check the IP its licensed to, then login and ask for them to see if it's changed again. Or move providers and get a better server or hosting because it's the first time I've heard about this issue. Please note they are closed at the moment until Monday but the guys will pop on the forum sometinmes.
  6. Best to contact some developers. 1. Eric (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/user/4-secforus-ehansen/) 2. Mujahed (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/user/10676-modulesbakery/) 3. Mohamed (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/user/13-naja7host/) 4. Paul (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/user/9426-paulov/) 5. AllToolKits [sorry don't know his name] (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/user/4347-alltoolkitscom/)
  7. I'm not sure but there's the default official plugin which is expanding more soon I believe, and you have the extended solusvm released by a client: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2813-free-solusvm-extended-module/ Features and documentation: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/SolusVM Both work well but the extended has a few more features, the configurable options when included in the default module soon will make it much stronger.
  8. It's something to do with the reseller permissions for packages or something on WHM, there's a old thread here somewhere. I think it's related to this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1906-cpanel-reseller-bug/
  9. I would like but the reason they do it this way is due to the articles can be in more than one category. That sounds good. +1 +1 sounds good too . +1 Sounds too three .
  10. Merci that's the issue changed it to billing 2 and had 2, so removed it and it's normal. So I'll close the thread Not bug.
  11. Describe the issue you're experiencing Contact types double the top item. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Edit the contact or add new one and then select the contact type. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.): N/A. Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login": /customers/contacts/edit/ID/ and /customers/contacts/add/ Attach screenshots. Client Side: Admin Side: Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. OS: Centos 6.6 Blesta: 3.4.0-b1 PHP: 5.4.x MySQL: 5.5.x
  12. Yeah I forced overwriting mate and yeah maybe best without the symbols in the urls including the ' symbol mate?
  13. Does this url work for you: /plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/ if so you just need to add it to portal.
  14. Already a feature request here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3002-client-billing-statement/?hl=statement
  15. http://www.virtualizor.com/wiki/Blesta_Module#Module_Options They only have module options which I believe is per package not configurable options. You'll have to ask them, they made the module.
  16. Best to contact your host to ensure you have been given the correct reseller permissions.
  17. Nope they don't mate bestorprise.com is Available for Purchase!
  18. Welcome mate.
  19. Michael


  20. I was wondering if it would look better with the main category numbers told you how many articles are in the whole section and not just the main category. I think it did in the Alpha private version.
  21. You can do what others are doing: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1340-multiple-order-forums-on-client-portal/
  22. It sounds like you have a server issue, I've not heard any of the above issues happening in Blesta and I've been with Blesta for over a year. As for the Buy section have you set a default order form? Packages > Order form > Settings > Default order form
  23. The text in the middle section needs some overflow to wrap it up .
  24. Michael


    Haha yeah and I think it's amazing mate neater .
  25. Describe the issue you're experiencing Doesn't save the Two factor Auth settings. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Set-up the Two Factor Authorization and then save it. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.): N/A. Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login": N/A Attach screenshots. Video: http://screencast.com/t/iywJcJXfO78o Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. OS: Centos 6.6 Blesta: 3.4.0-b1 PHP: 5.4.x MySQL: 5.5.x
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