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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Ah yeah you need Tyson's post and then you enter the page name on the PayPal module.
  2. Does Blesta strip all the symbols out mate?
  3. I'm not sure what you mean about the paypal email address, to do that you're best using another email address as your primary and change it in Blesta.
  4. Great news, hope you can enjoy Blesta now
  5. It means your host has mucked up and not Blesta haha so I recommend moving to a new reseller or have a VPS so you control it all.
  6. Suppose you could try this: http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/create-cpanel-whm-account.php fill in the information, use the package you have and see if it makes the account.
  7. Ah, it just looks like there is 24 but there's not
  8. Nope mate .
  9. I think it's a bit cramped there mate, try the new List design as it can fit a bit more text width wise which is easier to read. Also maybe a bit too much storage for FTP haha you can have up-to 30400GB for $5,472.00...
  10. Simple, professional and free, to buy one pay for someone to make a "complex" one.
  11. They go in the plugins/order/views/templates folder
  12. My signature click Blesta Addons. The MarketPlace forum is on the forum.
  13. I like the idea of two buttons still. Manage | Disable Click Disable then you get two options Disable or un-install.
  14. There's some on the marketplace form, or you can check out our Community Addons page for the list to save searching.
  15. Looks like it might have been a cache issue it's fixed now for me I'll keep it open just in case others have the issue.
  16. I'm a bit confused to why the .htaccess fixed the issue when you are using index.php/urls when that doesn't need the .htaccess at all. When you use .htaccess it should make it like yourdomain.com/blestafolder/urls
  17. Not sure have you allowed mod_rewrite in the Apache config? How to do it if you haven't: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/229/enable-mod_rewrite-without-a-control-panel?/1/
  18. the .htaccess for Blesta wouldn't use index.php. ######################################################## # package: minPHP # filename: .htaccess ######################################################## <Files ~ "\.(pdt)$"> order deny,allow deny from all </Files> # Protect against Clickjacking #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" RewriteEngine on # Force HTTPS #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on #RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=307,NE,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/install.php$ RewriteRule install.php %1/install/ [R=301,L]
  19. Edit my post, you need index.php, why not enable .htaccess and see if that works (Mod_Rewrite). On your server type: /bin/hostname -i When the license expires try it again are the outputs the same?
  20. It's not really recommended to change it as your staff accounts use it too (since that's why they reserve up-to 1500).
  21. If you are using PHP5.5 you need to apply the hotfix everytime you upgrade. Unless it's not included in the patch.
  22. You can edit that value if you don't want to start at 1500 and I suppose you could put a custom value in. I'm sure there used to be a config file you could edit to set it you could in 2.5, I can't find the file in 3.x though so I could be wrong. You can edit it via the settings in the database however. In your Blesta database head over to the settings table. It's the clients_start value.
  23. Crap, Crap, virtualization or Virtualizor.., never heard, and right... And this is something effecting the callbacks to the licensing server, nothing to do with Blesta. But hey it has to be a Blesta issue because crap panels work on it. Since you manage the server it has nothing to do with your set-up, has to be Blesta.
  24. Well it has to be something on your side, because a lot of people use Blesta and 3.x has been out since May 2013 in beta and August 2013 for production and this is the first time this has come up.
  25. You are good at that mate
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