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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Have a look at: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3642-blesta-integration-33x-advanced/
  2. Michael


    I don't agree, I did a poll for the guys to see what is being asked more: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3364-what-is-stopping-you-switching-to-blesta/ And 4 more people wanted a mass mailer than a domain management refactor. Mass Mail (18 votes [16.67%]) Affiliate System (15 votes [13.89%]) Domain Magement refactor (14 votes [12.96%])
  3. Michael

    Dev License

    You can try but I can't guarantee it, and as it's near the Christmas period Blesta will be closed for Christmas. If you like I can upgrade our demo and give you admin permissions to try it.
  4. Michael

    Dev License

    3.4 is almost out of beta. Blesta development licenses are normally for Blesta Owned licenses. Our Pre-sales Knowledgebase: To obtain a development license you need to contact Blesta directly as they are issued at Blesta's discretion. If you want to have Multi-company on your development license you must have a Multi-company addon on your Owned license. Development licenses are for non production installations and must be hidden from the public.
  5. Michael


    Fixed no cron tasks or last run tables.
  6. Michael


    Might be related to this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3754-cron-configuration/
  7. Michael


    Sure why not give us a pm mate with your ID and pass and I'll have a look for you.
  8. Michael


    It could be anything: - Have you got Manual Approval ticket on the order form: packages > order form > edit the one > is the tick box for manual approval ticket? - The cron is having issues provisioning it for bad passwords etc (Check the logs: Tools > Logs > cPanel row click it: any errors?).
  9. Sush haha yeah that's coming soon with the coupon refactor, the coupon system is going to have a big change that I'm aware of.
  10. It could be my domain is playing up for connections or something Blesta has a check for emails automatically to ensure they are legit.
  11. This is how it works, sadly it didn't like my business email so I had to change it: http://screencast.com/t/nkfr7fpbgo
  12. I don't think its possible without a importer has you'll need to decrypt them.
  13. You have to refund them via PayPal themselves, Blesta for PayPal don't work nice when you try to refund them via Blesta. Not sure why. But as long as you've sorterd the Gateway out like correct email address etc you should be fine.
  14. It might change at any time that's just a ETA at the moment due only adding links to the to-do list when a release is out. So when 3.4.0 is out stable Paul will sort their new list for 3.5.0.
  15. On the client profile page, there's a transaction box, in there there's links, one is called refunds. If you refund the client fully, the invoice is re-opened if you refund a client part of the payment nothing changes.
  16. yes they are recorded.
  17. Yep here mate: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3534-forcibly-generate-services-next-invoice/
  18. For popups I believe, so if you click Change package, or cancel package etc, it uses that with the content inside. And nope it shouldn't effect it. You can view the tutorial I made here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3642-blesta-integration-33x-advanced/
  19. Make a package, then in the download manager plugin ModulesBakery said, you do something like the following:
  20. You don't have to monitor them 24/7 and they will warn you if anything suspicious arises (Most providers do) and if that's a reason you could get a VPS.
  21. This would be a feature request, as 3.4 is almost out of beta.
  22. FreshRoastedHosting have a Christmas deal: Save 20% on any of our cPanel, reseller, or VPS hosting packages now through December 31 2014 -- just use promo code DECEMBER2014
  23. Closed as not a bug but improvement for 3.5.0 under CORE-1489.
  24. A daily cron job is getting stuck, or it's a false alarm best to check: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/24/cron-job-has-been-running-for-over-60-minutes-/10/ False alarm does happen we've had it a bit if you search the forum.
  25. If they can start it that's a issue with the module nothing to do with the tab. If you suspend a license (with Blesta) if they did it, we can't just re-issue it or re-use it.
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