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Everything posted by Michael

  1. By contact do you mean Address, Full name etc on the change page?
  2. Client's can't delete profiles just contacts, unless you mean disable the edit contact information?
  3. My info > Notices > Payment received. I have that and Welcome email, they help indicate an order. If you don't have notices Settings > System > staff > staff groups > tick notices per group.
  4. Michael

    Install Error

    Maybe Blesta should run the server for you? bake a cake? Blesta isn't a genius sadly.
  5. Michael

    Install Error

    Max never mentioned a directory, he said edit a link and check your Apache configuration... geez!
  6. Michael

    Install Error

    Have you even tried the above post? The one above yours...?
  7. Nobody? Not seen another thread: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3794-install-error/ ? As for VPS, I use a VPS for Blesta and my site but I use Apache and I only know 4 people with this issue (You, the other OP, a mates mate who uses Nginx and a client who uses Vesta).
  8. Packages > Order type > pick another order form template. If you have upgraded Blesta and that page doesn't work ensure everything is uploaded and run admin/upgrade/
  9. If it's client registration you can't use Ajax. You have to use General.
  10. Depends what type of products you are selling with that order form, there's certain features not supported by that type of order form.
  11. Are you using Ajax form for which type or products?
  12. Hello I don't think this is a bug, I can't see the big full picture and we need to know version you are using. It looks like you are missing a file.
  13. If you can, that way you can watch
  14. We recommend these guys: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/233/recommended-developers-for-blesta/3/
  15. I want to watch it mate haha, I've always said since I heard what goes on in NK, that our government (UK) and USA should send troops in to kill Kim. And this film is about just that.
  16. If you want to edit the languages file only yes you can. In /plugins/support_manager/language/en_us/support_manager_tickets.php and search // Priorities you will see the same thing.
  17. Do you have Teamviewer mate so I can see what you see and see if I can spot where your going wrong?
  18. They don't have a hostbill importer. They have a Blesta 2.5 to 3.x and a WHM.. importer, but I +1 for this request.
  19. I might have mis understood you. Are you selecting the only package from the right to the left?
  20. Nothing has been taken out or removed, 3.x is a complete re-write. Can't have everything from 2.5 in a fresh version. They aren't super developers..
  21. The KB has only been out in 3.4, and as it's just gone past christmas and new year you need to give Paulov a chance to update their third party plugin
  22. The date the task is added isn't the date it's being worked on just means it's on the to do list.
  23. They aren't in their own package group.
  24. Mate your talking about something different there nothing to do with clients. There's a function in Blesta which allows to select a product / service for a ticket and it should be done soon with custom fields: CORE-450
  25. This would be a feature request not a support. But there's already a task for this: CORE-1320
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