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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Seed information? I don't have that in the app, is that the hash Blesta used to give us? Isn't that the same as a emergency key to verify it? As you only get it once on Stripe if you loose it tough luck unless you contact them to prove it's you. I've only had to use it once and store my new one in Blesta
  2. I'd be one of them haha I've had my phone broken and had no choice but to send it to the repair center and they flush the phone back to factory settings. Therefore I was locked out, because when you have 2FA, you can't disable it unless you can get someone to disable it for you. I had to contact Stripe and BitPay to get in them accounts But thankfully with Blesta I can enter the database and disable it. But I suppose Clients / staff could just contact you to disable it but yeah makes it more independent
  3. list on Webhostdir.com and advertise on webhostingtalk.com.
  4. If you installed Blesta at domain.com (eg: licensecart.com) you'd have to make a folder to make it to domain.com/billing/ (eg: licensecart.com/billing/) But if you mean so you get: domain.com/clients/login/ to be domain.com/billing/login/ you just need to edit your routes. edit /config/routes.php and then change the client route.
  5. You could use the hidden option and see if that works? Or use custom CSS so each field is something_ which that edit does. And then use the CSS / PHP / JS plugin and try: input [id*="something_"]{display:none;}
  6. Is this what you are looking for? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2952-blesta-321-universal-module-workaround-show-service-fields-at-client-panel/
  7. depends on the module, Blesta are thinking about the same thing for SSL Certificates. You place the order and then edit the SSL order after.
  8. It also could be the cron url.
  9. Not yet, a feature request will be needed, If you get some support behind you on it, it might be pushed up the priority list.
  10. Support depends where you buy the license from. If you buy direct you get the best Blesta support you can ever want. If you buy from a reseller (Distributor / Reseller webhost [eg: Site5,etc]) you get support from them, and that depends per business you use. You get support here as-well as the others above. As for stable, Blesta is the most stable billing system out there on the market. If you look at the bug fixes for Blesta and then a competitor and you will see the difference. Blesta 1 - 5 in a beta, maybe a few got outside beta maximum, WHM** - ClientExec you get about 100 and / or more per release. And most of them are for simple things they just didn't bother with. As for Security, Blesta again is the most secure billing system out there, and don't just take my word for it read these: - http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=8898652&postcount=14 - http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=8885045&postcount=183 Two well known security auditors.
  11. I think he's trying to fix the support plugin but the admin tools stops the un-install popup working for other plugins. If you remove the admin tools the buttons show up again in the popup and there's no errors.
  12. I have 1.6.0
  13. the files correct, then re-upload the files after.
  14. Remove the files for Admin tools, then re-add them after removing the other plugin.
  15. I was wondering if Blesta could have a backup code like Stripe and a few others, so if you loose your phone you can disable it. More like this: https://stripe.com/blog/two-step-verification unique.
  16. That's why. I have the same issue, but I've liked it to that, not a Blesta thing.
  17. ok so search for contacts details +1 for that.
  18. I searched my email address in the smart search and it pulled up my account..?
  19. Standard order form shows step by step arrows.
  20. Do you have a Admin tools plugin installed? or do you mean when you are un-installing the plugin it says it's not found?
  21. For a list of developers check out: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/233/recommended-developers-for-blesta/3/ For the feature I would +1 it.
  22. I'll move the thread for you. +1.
  23. Eric's
  24. Settings > Company > Billing / Payment > Accepted Payments Type un-tick both boxes
  25. Ok Install this plugin: Css Javascript Html Toolbox Plugin by Naja7host, you can get it from the marketplace or get linked to it from the Blesta Addons on my signature. Then do: Custom CSS >> Advanced Controllers: client_main_edit Markup to set in: <Head> tag #first_name, #last_name, #company, #address1, #address2, #city, #country, #state, #zip, #email{ display:none; } That will hide them haha, In a later version of Blesta you can disable fields. Or you could edit the template for the client_main_edit, but you'll have to replace it every time.
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