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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Every update you miss, you are missing out on a lot and including new plugins / modules...
  2. you need php-mcrypt or the php includes isn't correct.
  3. Do you have any of the above: Mod_SPDY, Nginx? interWorx & subdomain?
  4. Michael

    Selling Domain Names

    Yeah I added two options on the list, some like to sell a lot more so it's easier by price, or you can do one by one
  5. Are you on a IP which keeps changing? Like a Cloud VPS? or are you on Nginx or something where the PHP includes location isn't correct? Or are you with a distributor or reseller? Have you moved the installation to another folder / domain / ip? If you are with one and you have, have you tried re-issuing the license?
  6. Michael

    Selling Domain Names

    Took me a while but here it is: https://licensecart.com/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/273/how-can-i-sell-domains/11/
  7. Michael

    Selling Domain Names

    Their docs are work in process but they are working on Blesta itself I am however making tutorials and stuff for our Knowledgebase so I will do a tutorial on the domains for you and others.
  8. Not silly questions mate, we all started somewhere
  9. Is the order form set to Manually approve orders? If so check the Billing tab, click manage widgets and add the order widget, then check the box and click approve.
  10. That's a server issue, it could be you have force SSL somewhere else or it could be you have MOD_SPDY which will play up if you don't force it another way... Best to contact your host.
  11. Tyson mate, looks like this is happening again but this time it's the full costs? http://licensecart.com/billing/order/config/index/interworx/?group_id=18&pricing_id=289 on everything including: http://uploadir.com/u/qtihl5ua.png
  12. Michael

    Pricing Terms

    Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3883-package-pricing-display/#entry28558
  13. It runs a day after the cron runs at the time you set it to in: Settings > Company > Automation.
  14. For clients +1 for check boxes. The Naja7Host link I would say is for Admins.
  15. What do you mean non hosting, I use Blesta for Selling licenses, I have a client who sells Office space with Blesta, Blesta isn't aimed at just webhosting you can do anything with Blesta. All you need is: A. Universal Module products B. Hire or make a custom Module Then Packages and that's it!
  16. haha and well have to blame someone PHP or the people who made the calenders haha
  17. Awesome Tyson mate, worked Bloody PHP haha.
  18. Here's mine Paul mate:
  19. It's a weird one but nothing was changed in 3.4.1 so it must be something to do with the months.
  20. I'm not sure I think that happened to me bare with. Edit: yeah I get that too: http://licensecart.com/billing/order/config/index/blesta/?group_id=7&pricing_id=396 I think it's a bug (but nice find I told a visitor he'd have to wait until 1st Feb without spotting it was adding a month..) Woops.
  21. Looks nice mate.
  22. That's weird even if the information if wrong it should use the url provided in post.
  23. Good work again mate
  24. Ok thank you so it is the long one . Your code should be: <form class="navbar-form navbar-right" method="post" action="http://gbitdrve.net/client/login/"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control" name="username" id="login_username"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="password" placeholder="Password" class="form-control" name="password" id="login_password"> </div> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="btn btn-success" hidefocus="true"> </form> And make sure you have edited the config file as stated in the other thread.
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