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Everything posted by Michael

  1. This mate? https://github.com/evilstreak/markdown-js
  2. Development docs are here mate: http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Overview you can check the other modules code.
  3. 30 days. Nice I used to bow to WHMCS back in the day but they became a joke.
  4. I spoke to Paul about this before, like Ghost when that came out, can't remember what the outcome was though haha, but I'll +1 this thread.
  5. The Cron verifies that the invoice is closed.
  6. Blesta doesn't have one yet. It's however on the to-do list.
  7. You might want to PM Paul here with the ticket ID, they haven't been on holiday but I'm not sure how you've managed a ticket for over 4 days... Is it important? because you could post it here?
  8. Is it set to be Manual Accept on the order form? If yes, have you accepted the order on billing > order widget > check box and click accept?
  9. If you only sell dedicated servers you might be able to put it in in the main template, but you can just copy paste the code into the welcome emails for one Universal Product, we have one per license brand unless we have a custom module done.
  10. You can do what we do for manual orders. Go to: Settings > Company > Emails > Service Creation just put the html / text tags in each each as normal. Then go to Packages > Order form > Edit the one you wish. Check Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders This means you need to go to Billing > orders widget, check the box, click approve, go to the client page, click on pending, click manage then enter the information, then click Activate. For the Packages: You need a product for Universal Module, then put service row boxes, then in the package > product in the welcome email put: {service.universal_service_name} for each variable you custom add. --- Example: Label: License Key (Provided after) Name: license_key Type: Text Required: No Encrypt: Yes You'd use: {service.license_key}
  11. Blesta does have one you can find information here: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/License+Module and http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/License+Manager and there's even pictures there . I'm not sure about the Importer for Blesta from WHMCS imports licenses Paul and the guys will know I will point them here for you. I don't work for Blesta, but Blesta selling point(s) for me are: Security, usability and clean code. When I used WHMCS before 2013, their consent updates and breaking stuff was too much, their security was awful which is why I moved to Blesta. As for ClientExec, when I was helping a client move over (due to no importer) I had to keep asking her stuff because I couldn't find anything, it just was confusing and I didn't want to break anything. Hope it helps.
  12. Do you have permissions for the staff departments?
  13. There's not an official module for this but there's a great third party free module here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1875-internetbs-domain-registrar-module-rc-104/ Not yet, you can open a feature request or ask them if they'd look into it (if you ask them directly it will be faster as Blesta at the moment priorities features based on the demand). Not yet there is a Namecheap module but it currently only does domains, but the SSL side is coming soon as it's got a To-do list in the module .
  14. This has already been requested: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3285-terminate-suspended-services/?hl=terminate and a similar one here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2981-cancel-orders-that-are-days-old-automatically/ It is under: CORE-1360 no ETA yet.
  15. Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3883-package-pricing-display/#entry28558
  16. Hello mate, You've already made the same request here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4039-2checkout-api-support/ So I will close this one. Please only open one as there's no need to open more as it won't make it get done (if they plan too any faster).
  17. Not really a fan mate, so I won't plus it up because if you have a cron running and auto send one it could cause load issues etc. That's why I like the 5 minutes cron so it only uses a lot once every 5 minutes.
  18. Nice extra mate.
  19. It's the Admin Tools plugin please remove the files and then re-add them after you've disabled the support pro.
  20. You can use the css / js / php / html toolbox for this at the moment but it's coming soon as CORE-1467.
  21. Your're trying to change the pictures not the name for some reason you said that confused us (Well me anyway). You need this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2532-change-paypal-buttons/
  22. It depends where you buy your license from. It's here: It's a button now since 3.2 when Blesta went Bootstrap. And after that button you would see something like this: It varies per your provider Blesta will be the same as above but in their design.
  23. Awesome mate
  24. Gateway Language file. components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/language/en_us/paypal_payments_standard.php
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