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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Have you installed any plugins besides the Support Manager, and which support manager are you using Default or Pro?
  2. Clear browser cache if you use chrome inspect element it, and see if there's any <script type="rocket..."> ensure there's none. Because that doesn't play nice with JS.
  3. Sounds like a CloudFlare issue, can you log in and check for "RocketLoader" can you disable it and clear your cache.
  4. correct and it does link them up.
  5. So you've not imported over from another system and just have yourself. and you've created the department and it just refreshes itself. Are you using CloudFlare?
  6. That's weird, have you got two staff accounts?
  7. Nope you need to make the services per client but don't use module aka uncheck "use module" box when adding them.
  8. Your best off contacting the companies, but I don't think you can as Blesta uses tpl and I can't remember what InterWorx I forgot.
  9. Mate is it 1.5.1 or 1.6.0 as the git page says 1.5.1 last updated 4 months ago?
  10. I'll post this here too: Open: /config/blesta.php and then change this: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pagination //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Number of results to display per page Configure::set("Blesta.results_per_page", 20);
  11. Or you can cut down the number of items per line which is easier: /config/blesta.php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pagination //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Number of results to display per page Configure::set("Blesta.results_per_page", 20);
  12. If you think it should show a message saying "Error: Password too weak" then that's a feature request for an Improvement to the modules.
  13. It's not a bug in my opinion it's just how Blesta runs, security first, InterWorx module and others is the same.
  14. They can because it goes into a Page thing with pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 I have a lot with blesta.com (transactions, invoices closed) so I know they don't.
  15. Yeah but they don't need to get the full page of the invoices, there's a widget on their screen. There's a menu by default with dashboard, tickets (dropdown), payment accounts, contacts, portal, log out there no need for more links in the client area in my opinion.
  16. Not a fan Blesta comes with a menu which has them.
  17. Merci mate, what was causing the issue with the uninstall bit?
  18. You follow that tutorial and move the Hosting packages in the bottom box from right to left.
  19. Please see: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/273/how-can-i-sell-domains/11/
  20. Already a feature request: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1649-fraud-record/?hl=fraudrecord and under CORE-935.
  21. never heard of that before maybe cPanel noticed your not using their 49% system and is playing up :l
  22. That might be coming soon however by default in Blesta, as Paul was looking into doing it that way.
  23. Yep it is and I get a few visitors from Google for the articles, I think a Knowledge base is amazing because that's how I got visitors on my old brand
  24. It's weird that a host uses xCache, the only stuff hosts use that I know of is LiteSpeed or Nginx proxy.
  25. I found this on Google: Source: http://xcache.lighttpd.net/ticket/44#comment:10
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