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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Are you using a caching thing like XCache?
  2. Have you built the LSPHP to match the PHP?
  3. Awesome thanks mate will end up using it if it happens as it makes life easier haha
  4. Blesta provides PayPal with all the information it needs when it's making a payment with the gateway, however sometimes PayPal gives up a fuss and plays up, which is why it's recommended to give PayPal a IPN url.
  5. Do you have the structure of the database? If so can you post that here.
  6. Michael

    Release 3.4.2

    I always back up I however use SSH to do it all.
  7. Michael

    Release 3.4.2

    Merci love it upgraded fine.
  8. Ok I'll offer you a price.
  9. How much are you looking for anyway Nathan?
  10. I've never heard anyone else have a ticket open for a month, did you even try and bump it, ask Paul on here to check up on it? Phone or email them? Or just sit there and hope. The guys at Blesta are human and emails can get lost.
  11. You are the only one complaining about it, no-one else has ever encountered slow replies some replied to your thread where people tried to help you...
  12. On cPanel you need to enable the PECL and also install it with EasyApache.
  13. Hello mate, this might help you: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/279/how-can-i-sell-a-product-without-a-module/11/ If you are trying to add configurable options to products I can try and do a tutorial haha took me a while to get around it myself.
  14. Nope they are already working on 3.5
  15. Welcome mate, good news I'm not sure if Blesta could make a plugin if you mean that, as their features is on a priority basis at the moment .
  16. +1 Also InterWorx if it doesn't already
  17. Michael

    Directadmin Password

    Ah ok if you can open a feature request I'll +1 it, I know the cPanel module has it not sure about the InterWorx one either.
  18. Michael

    Directadmin Password

    I don't think we can yet. Does DirectAdmin's API allow it?
  19. Awesome, welcome to the community and great news, do you think you could add a plugin for Blesta to push out notices via Cachet mate?
  20. I would ask mate, you never know might be a monthly dev haha.
  21. +1 if Blesta does what Paul said he was hoping
  22. That's a different one, that's one-time payments, this is a recurring one which doesn't have a product.
  23. Oh yeah sorry missed that you do need that so they can upgrade.
  24. Paul one word... Yum! haha sounds so wicked!
  25. Ok sorry I didn't know that, that is more of a bug I would say: Made a recurring invoice and only got the right button.
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