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Everything posted by Michael

  1. the top error means the welcome email has a invalid tag.
  2. Michael

    E-Mail Pipings

    Are you using InterWorx or another control panel?
  3. Does the direct url work fine? Without knowing the set-up we can only guess.
  4. True that's another good(ish) one haha now they've fixed that file editor haha.
  5. haha I've not tried it personally, I've only helped a customer but yeah it wasn't easy to get around or use. But the client likes it.
  6. Yeah InterWorx is much more user friendly, I personally manage my Blesta on InterWorx via SSH which is much easier for myself. but yeah Plesk I've never liked it. I would rate it behind DirectAdmin.
  7. This post: http://forum.sp.parallels.com/threads/how-to-use-cronjobs-to-execute-a-php-file.283297/#post-687706 says another way. Or: http://forum.sp.parallels.com/threads/how-to-use-cronjobs-to-execute-a-php-file.283297/#post-687765 another way. Or even: http://daipratt.co.uk/crontab-plesk-php/ another way apparently, Plesk is awful
  8. It could be one of these reasons: - Plesk needs to have "Force ungrateful restart or something because Blesta is on Plesk. - The cron hasn't ran yet. - You don't have information in the welcome email section on the package. Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2466-provisioning-plesk-accounts-on-same-server-as-blesta-is-not-possible/ I would say it's not set-up correctly but I couldn't find out how to do it myself when helping a customer before. NetEarthOne use the Logicboxes API so you use that on Blesta.
  9. You're welcome you can try to manually provision them, I had one where a client complained to us but the reason they failed is because they was still licensed at a competitor so they spat out a internal error.
  10. Ah I see I noticed the invoiced closed but didn't think it was
  11. +1 I think you can add it manually.
  12. Michael

    Hidden Ticket

    So wouldn't it be ok to keep them on your ticket as they won't be effected?
  13. Michael

    Hidden Ticket

    Notes are for Admins I believe. Edit: Yep they are...
  14. Michael

    Hidden Ticket

    Splitting internal notes? Why do you need to use the support manager just for notes?
  15. Michael

    Hidden Ticket

    Not a bug: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/231/tickets-but-there-are-currently-no-tickets/10/
  16. It's coming shortly: CORE-1586
  17. Are you using cPanel can you check your cron job if it is? It should be /usr/local/bin/php
  18. Would it be best to only display the days there is issues?
  19. The local is the global, they all connect the databases.
  20. It should happen to new tickets customer side only. If you are doing the staff side you could do with: Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - Update to Ticket {ticket.code} - Priority: {ticket.priority}
  21. You could go to: My Info > Notices > and enable: "Creation Error" this will email you the reason it couldn't create the service by the API. If you don't have them go to Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > Edit > tick the notices boxes.
  22. The hash is a reference to the ticket, and the Ticket# number is the ticket number. I have: Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - Opened ticket #{ticket.code} [{ticket_hash_code}] And: Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - #{ticket.code} has been updated. [{ticket_hash_code}] Eg: Licensecart Sales Enquires - #123456 has been updated [-ab43-]
  23. None at the moment, you could contact them or open a feature request but it would be faster to ask them since features are on a priority basis.
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