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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I've had pictures. not sure if they send them by emails
  2. I believe it goes via the system language: Settings > General > Default Language: French (fr)
  3. Michael

    Logout Url

    Change it to: // Redirect to client login $this->redirect("http://domain.com/");
  4. That's good I've not tried it though: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2657-blesta-bridgealphad-download/?hl=alltoolkit I don't use any of them and only use InterWorx, PHP 5.4, MySQL.
  5. Option 1: Can be done but you'll need a plugin for the login to use the Shared Login plugin to connect to Wordpress and Blesta. You can hire a integration company to make blesta look like your wordpress. if you want wordpress + blesta together you will need to use the Blesta API (what we do to grab prices etc, and that could be costly. I recommend ModulesBakery if you would like help doing that.
  6. You have to click the row.
  7. http://getbootstrap.com/ is the main one.
  8. Michael


    Yeah about time they get rid of mysql haha it's not good at all.
  9. Michael


    I've not even moved to PHP 5.6 yet but I will be but PHP 7 sounds much better and they did a Windows and skipped 6 (they skipped 9). What do you think about PHP 7? sound better? look better? http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/242-PHP-7-Features-and-Release-Date.html
  10. same as the cPanel one: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3419-www-issue-being-entered-on-order/
  11. See my video: http://screencast.com/t/JUeIKo33jx When adding a service you get a option if an invoice is made: Invoice Method Create Invoice Append to Invoice [invoice ID] Do Not Invoice
  12. Make two packages instead of the countries and assign the tax to a package.
  13. correct
  14. Make two tax rules: 1. State -> 10% 2. Sate 2 -> 14%
  15. If you are changing the top link on the sub nav bar, that is harder as you need the admin tools or edit the database but yeah the portal is the easiest.
  16. Edit the portal plugin.
  17. Sounds like a module error is causing it. Have you uploaded third party modules?
  18. Have you got the correct folder permissions. The upload folder must be 777, set-up in settings > system > general There should be a 1 folder and inside that a support_manager_ something
  19. Michael

    Solusvm Kvm Console

    Nginx might be conflicting with it?
  20. I don't think it needs to myself, because it's done manually, and I prefer taking scans.
  21. What did you do before that happened? It sounds like something is missing or a module / plugin is broken and conflicting.
  22. Michael

    E-Mail Pipings

    Sorry never used Vesta.
  23. click on the row, and hold it in you should see an edit button you can rename it then. I have ones for SolusVM, Stripe, Licensecart, ModulesBakery all named for me.
  24. When adding a service / product you get the option to create an invoice or add to an existing invoice.
  25. best to contact the developers who made the plugin.
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