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Everything posted by Michael

  1. This was re-edited for 3.2, so I believe it will work
  2. Have you got more than one cron job running or another installation on another server with a cron job too?
  3. Thank you for your recommendation and custom mate
  4. Michael


    Hello mate, Blesta only maintains stuff shipped with Blesta. That PHPIDs I take it is the plugin Blesta provide so I think they will maintain it or move to another one.
  5. Ah I would have thought that would be invalid tags in the welcome email so haha.
  6. What did you do when you created it? No video, did you select the "create invoice" option when making the service?
  7. You can change the staff email to anything you wish video: http://screencast.com/t/MGLeWHFp8J
  8. Can you make a new service for it or place an order via the order form because that looks like it was already active.
  9. Have you enabled them currencies for the Order form?
  10. Not sure what you mean mate, but you can locate the register link to the register order form you made on Blesta. And then the login you could use the form I linked you to, but you'll have to use that design for the form. You will need to follow the tutorial to disable CSRF.
  11. Copy the bootstrap folder in /app/views/client/ and rename it to a new one, edit the config.json in that so the name is different. Swap to that: Settings > Company > Look and Feel > Template > Select the new one. Edit the files in there.
  12. You can use the external form found here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/510-login-form-outside-blesta/?hl=login+form You need a package with a domain module. You can't use the universal if you want it to search as it uses the module's API to search.
  13. Don't do an addon package....! Make an order form... Make it Domain and Other. Select the Domain group via the dropdown box. Then select the hosting packages... That's all you have to do.
  14. You can record a payment on their profile page and then select the method, then enter the value of the payment, and then select the invoice and save . Eg:
  15. Woo! Blesta icon
  16. That's a bit hard to find out haha without going threw every client, I know I've got 1 client from South Africa but that's because I remember the place and Blesta direct have more clients than us .
  17. That's how Blesta works.
  18. Are you using the Domain and Other ordering form?
  19. Michael

    Encryption In Blesta

    Blesta encryption is only available on Blesta, if you try and move to other systems then you will need to crack the Blesta encryption which is next to impossible. But why would you leave Blesta anyway?
  20. If you guys did do it, it would open you up to a better market and maybe get you more customers, I've never heard of ZADomains until this thread.
  21. If it's not customer facing for ordering don't make the order form just make the others and then click New service on their client page. You don't make a single invoice the module makes it.... Just click Create a Invoice, mark it as Pending. Save. Customer pays the invoice, cron runs and the service is active.
  22. Michael

    Backup Questions

    You can't limit them you can only set how many you want. Every 2 hours, Every 1 day, etc.
  23. Do you have currency for USD, and do you allow customers to change their currency?
  24. Shouldn't effect it but again.. Backup them just in case (aka mysql backup), file backup. I move them into a /backup folder and then do it. But ensure you keep your config file as it has the "encryption" key.
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