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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Xero is going to be done by ModulesBakery if you can wait mate we're going to buy a copy from him when he's done.
  2. You do get assigned department emails I had one. You also get emails when someone replies but you need to tick the boxes in the Staff section of the support manager: Low, Medium, Critical tick boxes, etc.
  3. Looks amazing Sam mate.
  4. PayPal isn't calling Blesta home, check your module and ensure you have set-up the PayPal IPN, it's handy because if PayPal plays up that is used.
  5. 1. You can sell them you set-up the package and the price under the "Universal Module", then go to the "Download Manager", then add a download, upload the file and set only when logged in and attach to the package. 2. It doesn't 3. Not yet.
  6. Every status minus In Progress changes when a customer replies. So from Awaiting reply or Closed to Open.
  7. In Progress doesn't change to awaiting reply because it would be pointless to keep changing it back to In Progress. It's in progress for a reason (not completed) if not don't use it haha.
  8. If you have the Billing Order widget that shows you. Billing > Manage Widgets > Order widget On the Pending if it's a green tick, the invoice has been paid. You could use the order email to get an order and then an email when a payment is made, that's what I do. Payments made => My info > Notices > Payment received.
  9. you can do it by using the package url.
  10. The Structure is the main file everything from client area / order forms / login use the structure.
  11. Sounds like a file or folder is missing try re-uploading a fresh 3.4.3 full zip and see if that fixes it I recommend FTP or SSH.
  12. He likes to use his own path instead of the default mate. some Debian distro so I assume it's Ubuntu.
  13. dno I delete the rows myself lol. Try turning Blesta's errors on: /config/blesta.php Configure::errorReporting(-1);
  14. I would keep the JS / CSS files Blesta provide in the same locations they are just to ensure that they work fine. But if you make a custom folder in /app/views/client/ you can customize everything
  15. To disable PHPIDs you can go to the plugins table and remove the row. It's not recommended to use PHPIDs unless you know how to configure it probably.
  16. +1 and was discussed in support just to help the feature request grow http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4134-stripe-bitcoin-and-alipay/?hl=alipay
  17. Your files are in the wrong area or your cron isn't set-up to the right location when I used Ubuntu (Debian) my files go in /var/www/ you aren't doing that.
  18. Sounds like a duplicate thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3416-add-ability-to-set-minimum-payment-amount/?hl=minimum
  19. That's confused me... Why it is there? Most non control panel servers use /var/www/html/ or /var/www/
  20. You'd be surprised how many hosts host it on their own VPS with a control panel, and as for that issue you've added to the thread, are you using: Centos / Ubuntu / Debian / etc. PHP Version
  21. It's probably the cron job then mate. What control panel are you using and what's your cron job command?
  22. Why not do what we do and use the https:// htaccess rewrite.
  23. Not everything has the company ID attached to them
  24. very haha you will need a importer to split them.
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