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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Closed as not a bug and already been posted: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3060-uk-state-province-dropdown/ Blesta uses the ISO 3166-2 standard for subdivisions, and is not necessarily limited to a simple list of counties and if there's any issues please report it to the ISO for UK: The British Standards Institution
  2. Yep the key is just the encryption / decryption key.
  3. I use the following from TheSkySpace: 20 GB Diskspace 20 GB Bandwidth 2GB Ram Don't need billions of space and stuff to run a site.
  4. cron runs every 5 minutes but haven't had any issues so far with that. We state in the welcome email to wait 5-10 minutes. If you want a email you can get it via my info > notices.
  5. dam it stupid file ext's lol and if you use a commercial panel or just plan Ubuntu or Centos you wouldn't have issues
  6. Are you using CloudLinux?
  7. nope looks good.
  8. Done 1501 haha.
  9. That's the PHP, Mailparse uses that and Percl or pecl or perl or something weird.
  10. have you got the pecl or something version of mailparse?
  11. Wonder would it be better if it was smaller and scrolled in front of the text, and let the clients hide it if needed?
  12. Erm nice not sure about the cPanel background, I hate cPanel but you can't see the text well
  13. What I would do if I was in your shoes is the following: Remove the settings field, and put it in the welcome email. Put (provided after) on the username and password and then make the orders manual provisioned and put them in when you are activating it.
  14. There's one thing there I wouldn't mind seeing on mass mail haha the request if read bit and on mass mail logs you see tick if it was read .
  15. Don't see why? We sell stuff which the client's can see we just have (provided after) on the ones they don't touch and you can just edit them if they do.
  16. The way I would do it, is by using the Universal Module until a way is available, you can see this video for how the guys did it: https://player.vimeo.com/video/95154974 that's all done by the Universal module.
  17. Interesting never knew they had a new API.
  18. You can use the service information hack to make only certain fields show up there and not when they are ordering, otherwise you can't do that: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2952-blesta-321-universal-module-workaround-show-service-fields-at-client-panel/
  19. ok I recommend re-uploading the files to see if you have missed a few in the logicboxes module.
  20. Looks like you are missing a few files..? Have you upgraded before and forgot to run /upgrade/? It works fine for me: http://screencast.com/t/iNZ7QkfWYqjd
  21. You can't put expenses in Blesta at the moment. I use Excel until there's a Xero plugin.
  22. Admin side or Client side?
  23. Sounds like you've duplicated the domain packages. Dropdown: Domain group Left side: Hosting Packages (NO Domain group)
  24. I was just browsing the front end and found out the support manager doesn't have any page titles minus the company name. So it shows up as Company Name and not for example: Support Manager | Company Name or Support Departments | Company Name. Just a small request to see if it improves it.
  25. I believe cPanel has a edit button, but I haven't used it for years. cPanel likes to different than most linux control panels so you need that local.
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