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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Sounds cool
  2. Michael


    It means your host / vps doesn't support innodb tables. See: https://www.turnkeylinux.org/forum/support/20090111/drupal-6-problem-enable-innodb
  3. I don't believe you can because of the configuration options, you could try it though.
  4. Ah 3.4.4 and 3.5.0 might be related to the bug or something patched because on 3.4.3 it worked fine for me.
  5. A client reported this to me and I tried it on my custom theme and the bootstrap default theme and both won't allow me to apply the credit. You click Pay, check the check box and then click Pay it will give you an error to select a payment method. You click Pay, check the check box, click on PayPal / BitPay / etc, it will take you to the checkout page for the total so you can pay with the gateway.
  6. I'll tell you again in the most simple way I can. 1. You buy a layout / template (whtheme.com | wrapbootstrap.com | themeforest.net) or find a free one on google or (StartBootstrap, BootstrapZero), or if you want make one yourself using getbootstrap.com 2. You then integrate with Blesta this makes Blesta look like that theme you picked in step 1. It's your business and not ours you pick the theme if you want one, otherwise you should sit back and think "Can I really run a business or get back to studying?".
  7. Nice, thanks , not a fan of it since ModulesGarden just dumped it half completed.
  8. Sounds like you are missing some reseller privileges or something.
  9. You have to integrate it to Blesta... /app/views/client/-New-folder-Name/
  10. Not sure about that, they are doing default options for Client fields: CORE-1082
  11. You have to check the module settings, the module uses the API to search the domain.
  12. You can with 3.5 however it goes by the language files. You can also force it in the structure.pdt file: Find: <html dir="<?php echo (in_array($this->_("AppController.lang.dir", true), array("ltr", "rtl")) ? $this->_("AppController.lang.dir", true) : "ltr");?>"> Replace with: <html dir="rtl">
  13. Google or if you can spend a cup of coffee price: https://wrapbootstrap.com/themes/page.1/sort.price/order.asc
  14. You can only delete pending services which are not activated: Billing > Services > Pending > delete.
  15. Please email sales@ or pm Paul on here and they'll issue you a new trial key. You can make your own integration by following: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3642-blesta-integration-33x-advanced/ You can match your website or buy a theme from themeforest.net etc.
  16. is it the 3.2.0.js instead of 3.5.0.js I made that mistake before.
  17. I think you mis-understood me... On the Universal Module there's two sections... - Top -> Package options - Bottom -> Service options Top use: {% for option in package.options %} Bottom use: {% for option in service.options %} I always recommend the bottom one (Service) because that's what I'm used to .
  18. It looks like this: {% for option in service.options %} {option.option_label}: {option.option_value} @ {option.option_pricing_price | numberformat 2, ".", ","} {option.option_pricing_period} {% endfor %} We used that for example for our SolusVM until we got a module: Unlimited Slaves: 1 @ $20.00 month If you are using the package section and not the services section you wan to use for option in package.options More information: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/293/can-i-show-config-options-in-the-welcome-emails/1/
  19. Blesta uses this to get the credit: <div class="amounts"></div> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCurrencyAmounts("' . $this->Html->ifSet($contact->settings['default_currency']) . '"); $(".col-md-3 .amounts").on("click", "a", function() { fetchCurrencyAmounts($(this).attr("id")); return false; }); }); function fetchCurrencyAmounts(currency) { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "main/getcurrencyamounts/") . '" + currency, null, function(data) { if (data) $(".amounts").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?>
  20. Michael


    Come on really? How plain English do you need it? Upload the module files to your blesta: blesta/components/modules/ Upload the files to that folder. Uncompress the module files and add your license key to license.php file Unzip the zip and add your license key to that file. Go to your admin area and activate the module Click install to activate the module... "Settings > Modules > Available > Click Install" if that's needs to be in printed out in black and white as-well. Generate an API key from your digitalocean account by clicking on the "generate new token" button Go to DigitalOcean and click "Generate new token" and get that API Key. Add a global SSH Key to be added to all of your clients droplets to be created using our module. Add a global SSH key if you want to (not sure if it's needed). ------ Add a digitalocean account to your blesta admin area (Blesta Admin Area >> Modules >> DigitalOcean Module >> Add Row) Settings > Modules > DigitalOcean (Manage) > Add Server. Put in your information from above as needed. Setup a new package (Admin Area >> Packages >> add Package >> Choose Module "DigitalOcean Module" >> Select preferred settings and welcome email >> Save) Go to Packages > Create a package > Fill it in select the DigitalOcean from the modules drop-down menu. ------ This module supports "Configurable Options", so you can do the following: Setup config options (Admin Area >> Packages >> Options >> Add New Option): Packages > Options > Add Option And make one for each of the following: 1) Regions: region || example option 1 name: Amsterdam 1 and value: ams1 2) Images: image || example option 1 name: Fedora and value: fedora-20-x64 3) Private Networking: private_networking || example option 1 name: No Thanks and value: false 4) IPv6: ipv6 || example option 1 name: No Thanks and value: false 5) Backups: backups || example option 1 name: No Thanks and value: false If you are confused go and look at: http://videos.blesta.com/video/84284299
  21. Hosting is the primary product, the domains is an addon (up-sell) product. As you stated with cars, you sell cars you don't sell tax, you don't sell tyres you don't sell petrol, just cars. You can sell them with the car or optional later on but you focus on cars. It's a car garage not a petrol station or a tyre shop.
  22. Probably because it's a billing system for hosting companies... but you can use it for anything else mind you but that's why they do hosting first.
  23. Enom supports them and even the UK now. /components/modules/enom/config/enom.php // .CA Configure::set("Enom.domain_fields.ca", array( 'cira_legal_type' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRALegalType", true), 'type' => "select", 'options' => array( 'CCO' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.cco", true), 'CCT' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.cct", true), 'RES' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.res", true), 'GOV' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.gov", true), 'EDU' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.edu", true), 'ASS' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.ass", true), 'HOP' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.hop", true), 'PRT' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.prt", true), 'TDM' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.tdm", true), 'TRD' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.trd", true), 'PLT' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.plt", true), 'LAM' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.lam", true), 'TRS' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.trs", true), 'ABO' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.abo", true), 'INB' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.inb", true), 'LGR' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.lgr", true), 'OMK' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.omk", true), 'MAJ' => Language::_("Enom.domain.RegistrantPurpose.maj", true) ) ), 'cira_whois_display' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRAWhoisDisplay", true), 'type' => "select", 'options' => array( 'FULL' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRAWhoisDisplay.full", true), 'PRIVATE' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRAWhoisDisplay.private", true), ) ), 'cira_language' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRALanguage", true), 'type' => "select", 'options' => array( 'en' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRALanguage.en", true), 'fr' => Language::_("Enom.domain.CIRALanguage.fr", true), ) ), 'cira_agreement_version' => array( 'type' => "hidden", 'options' => "2.0" ), 'cira_agreement_value' => array( 'type' => "hidden", 'options' => "Y" ) ));
  24. I dowt anything will be changed in that module for a while, they are going to refactor the domain system which will include a lot of new features and then re-edit the domain modules to support the new plugin. But if you do a feature request with what is stopping you switching you might be able to help, but it's on a priority system, the more people who "Need it" will help push it onto the to-do list.
  25. Yes, it's a Country code included in the module by default. I believe you need to edit the module at the moment to add renewals there's a thread on the forum. Should work out of the box. I believe you can set custom nameservers but not child nameservers. Yep you can on the module. Not that I'm aware of. I believe that's coming soon but you can do it manually. I could be wrong never used Enom as they wouldn't give me API access. Coming soon it's already started but it's just a comment at the moment. # # TODO: Handle SSL certs # Not yet, but you can add the ones you want to sell manually: /components/modules/enom/config/enom.php // All available TLDs Configure::set("Enom.tlds", array(
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