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Everything posted by Michael

  1. You need to move the ioncube_loader.so files to the new one.
  2. Michael

    Release 3.5.0

    You can only "Patch" the same version, 3.4.x is a version... 3.5.x is another version because it's another version you can't just patch you need to use the "FULL" files .
  3. Closing as not a bug.
  4. merci mate will try that.
  5. Guys if you add routes for the Support Manager how do you make Blesta use them instead of the default ones? Do you need to edit this: array( 'action' => "nav_primary_client", 'uri' => "plugin/support_manager/client_main/", 'name' => Language::_("SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_client.main", true), 'options' => array( 'sub' => array( array( 'uri' => "plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/", 'name' => Language::_("SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_client.tickets", true) ), array( 'uri' => "plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/", 'name' => Language::_("SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_client.knowledgebase", true) ) ) ) ), Routes I managed to get working but Blesta doesn't link them on the menus etc... Router::route("^support/tickets/(.+)", "/support_manager/client_tickets/$1"); Router::route("^support/tickets/add/(.+)", "/support_manager/client_tickets/add/$1"); Router::route("^support/knowledgebase/(.+)", "/support_manager/knowledgebase/$1"); Router::route("^support/tickets/reply/(.+)", "/support_manager/client_tickets/reply/$1"); Router::route("^support/tickets/departments/(.+)", "/support_manager/client_tickets/departments/$1");
  6. Could be missing files (try re-uploading the files).
  7. could be linked to http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4244-admin-reset-and-send-client-password-reset/?p=31443
  8. Michael

    Release 3.5.0

    Upgraded perfectly woo roll on Hostingcon and Blesta 4.0
  9. It looks like something is missing because the box theme looks to me as if the theme.css is not working.. Are you using Nginx? Have you tried re-uploading the files?
  10. Wow that's like amazing thanks mate. I do have to say this though mate, what's the server tools for?
  11. You can't you can use this edit to show them on the manage service page: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2952-blesta-321-universal-module-workaround-show-service-fields-at-client-panel/
  12. On their account make a sub-client. Or you can let them set it up. Clients: Admin:
  13. Added a few blesta themes to change the panel design: Midnight Blue: Green Sea: Nephritis:
  14. Thanks mate and yeah I was thinking about doing that and export it but wasn't sure if it would be better if the users change it to their needs
  15. No thanks mate, hopefully it helps members (the blesta family ) and help new people integrate a design for free
  16. Thanks mate haha yeah I didn't spot their terms but they can tell me off lol.
  17. Oh well I've only integrated it to Blesta for free I've tagged them in every one so they can bring me up on it. But I'm not making or changing anything.
  18. eElectronics Theme Integration Integrated to Blesta by Licensecart Here's our first free integration for Blesta, it was integrated to on 3.5 at the moment. You can try it on 3.4 if you wish by editing config.json in the theme. You can get the full site theme for free from: https://shapebootstrap.net/item/1525000-eelectronics-ecommerce-html-template You can get the Blesta integration for free from: https://licensecart.com/customers/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/46/ Previews: Logged in Preview: Upload the eelectronics folder to: /app/views/client/ Go to: Settings > Company > Look and Feel > Templates > eElectronics (from dropdown menu).
  19. it only works for new invoices not one's already generated.
  20. Thanks mate, someone wanted a theme and I thought I'd integrate a free one haha
  21. Here I've done a free one: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4687-theme-free-flat-integration/ Will add more when I can to the collection. There's a free theme you can use for your site or use the Integration to use just Blesta. Instructions are in the readme.txt.
  22. Flat Theme Integration Integrated to Blesta by Licensecart Here's our first free integration for Blesta, it was integrated to on 3.5 at the moment. You can try it on 3.4 if you wish by editing config.json in the theme. You can get the full site theme for free from: https://shapebootstrap.net/item/1524965-flat-theme-free-responsive-multipurpose-site-template You can get the Blesta integration for free from: https://licensecart.com/customers/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/46/ Previews: Logged in Preview: Upload the flat folder to: /app/views/client/ Go to: Settings > Company > Look and Feel > Templates > Flat (from dropdown menu).
  23. If you untick "Manual Approval required" on the order form and if you don't have any fraud checker nothing will get pending.
  24. Have you: 1. Made the order form as "Manual approval"? 2. The order might be flagged as fraud and is still pending review. Go to Billing > Manage widgets > Order widget > Pending.
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