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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Correct you need the uploads file permissions and then this set-up (this would be done if the uploads folder was set-up when a plugin is installed). - uploads --- system --- 1 ----- client_documents ----- download_files ----- invoices ----- support_manager_files Remember depending on your plugins you might not need some. PS: Your uploads file should be out of public_html or html folders for security.
  2. When you upload the language zip it will include everything including invoices but only if it's translated some are half done.
  3. You can use language files to translate them you can get the languages from translate.blesta.com. For customising the invoices you can do that too. Naja7Host has a cool html style invoice template too, for Background colours you can upload a background image it will need to be a A4 style picture however, we got ours from Ypson.com. Go to: /components/invoice_templates/default_invoice/
  4. They can downgrade to remove a configurable option.
  5. Your supposed to edit it in the portal plugin: settings > plugins > Portal
  6. It shouldn't effect it but did they pay for it? Check by clicking manage on the service row. Also do you have the cron running? Blesta version?
  7. You should do that before upgrading / after installation and you can save your admin group permissions which clears the cache, the admin tools plugin from Naja7host to clear cache, or by removing the 1 folder as stated above. As it's not a bug I've closed this thread .
  8. You can use markdown, I'm not sure about the text as you will probably need two boxes one for html and one for text. I 10000% disagree with that, if there was 50% of customers would turn to other support systems, I do like the pro but I find it bulky and cluttered, but some people like it. So if they like it they can just upload the plugin and use it instead.
  9. Not yet, someone recommended it but I don't recommend it as you could get yourself in trouble with the banks / merchant if you charge the card without permission and chargebacksā€¦ And every chargeback goes onto your account and then you could get kicked off..
  10. Bloody PayPal haha, should be universal or not at all. And never knew that about the charges too, so learnt that today
  11. Yep they are if PayPal finds out, just takes one person to do it. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1477-stripe-coupons/?p=11798 https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/How-to-use-PayPal-Archive/Can-a-Seller-Charge-Buyers-a-Paypal-Fee/td-p/19050 http://community.ebay.com/t5/Archive-PayPal/Can-a-seller-charge-a-3-fee-to-the-buyer-if-you-use-Paypal-for/qaq-p/11862017
  12. it's a really hard subject, because PayPal don't allow it, even though some companies bypass it calling it tax or something else, but you can loose your account. Some countries don't allow it. I suppose you could ask if the modules can allow it? so you can add code to apply it, but it shouldn't be in the core. Simply because of the laws and rules and what each gateway allows / refuses.
  13. Is it fully enabled? log in as the client click on payment accounts click the bulletpoint and click set as default, to see if that fixes it.
  14. You can charge daily but that's like an invoice a day. And you can use configurations to monitor diskspace and bandwidth, but I believe you want something like this bucket idea: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4121-bucket-billing-short-and-long-term-solution/
  15. Blesta don't allow you to copy their modules code and then just sell it on sooo, and if I was to make integrations from free templates and charged for them I think I would be in very big troubleā€¦ You can't just take free things people have spend time coding the core to then charge for it. Donations is fine. But to charge for other peoples code and then a few edits is wrong so I can see why people are complaining. If you want to edit something that's fine you could make the files and charge for them (because of your time and effort) and then you let them replace the old ones, as long as it's your work.
  16. erm... no thanks PS: you took something for free (which is fine) but then you charge for it?
  17. Not that I'm aware of. You'll need to contact the OP.
  18. We checked the apache logs and no 302 was found just 200. Correct we found it there that it's just not giving up so I've contacted PayPal technical support to find out why
  19. Can you see this please mate and see if you get the same thing: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4709-350-payment-recieved-bug/
  20. I had a client report to me he had a lot of payment received emails and they are recorded in the client mail log. I told him I would monitor the other customers and see if it was a bug or if it was just his account. I then had another customer getting them, they didn't contact me but I got them on my side. And in the client mail log they also had one after another at different times. Nothing in the cron jobs is stuck, and nothing looks odd to me. It's also recorded in the gateway logs with the same information. I believe it's related to: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4356-paypal-transactions-not-recorded-invoice-stays-open/#entry34934 so I've linked this thread there. For now Paul said to disable the non merchant emails if you get the same issue as me. Settings > Company > Emails > Email templates > Payment Received (Non-Merchant) > Edit > untick Enable. After investigation we believe it's not a Blesta bug as payments go threw but a PayPal IPN issue. I've contacted PayPal technical support @ https://ppmts.custhelp.com/
  21. Maked solved for your last answer sounds like they didn't run LSPHP to copy the PHP over.
  22. Michael

    Custom Field Question

    You can use client fields and use hidden.
  23. Go to: app/views/client/bootstrap/client_main_myinfo.pdt find: <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "main/edit/");?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default pull-right"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> <?php $this->_("ClientMain.myinfo.link_editclient");?></a> Change to something like: <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "main/edit/");?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default pull-right"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Change Information</a> or whatever or you can edit the language files.
  24. It defo supports PHP5.5 on their easyapache: https://features.cpanel.net/topic/update-ioncube-loaders-in-easyapache-to-v45x-to-support-php-55 it says completed. But then again cPanel doesn't like it when we do stuff manually.
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