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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Im A Human

    Depending on your settings on AreYouAHuman it will show when you click continue.
  2. See: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/256/how-to-disable-credit-cards/11/
  3. You're welcome mate, it was added in 3.5.x so you might not has spotted that when you upgraded or missed it in the changelogs under CORE-1451
  4. There will be but not fast, they are working on the patch for 3.5.1 found here and 4.0.0 which won't be here for a long time (maybe a few months) found here. You have to remember they aren't issued like chocolate bars in a factory and 3.5.0 has only just been released and things might be added / removed from a version at any time.
  5. You can do that now.
  6. If you uninstall the portal plugin: settings > company > plugins > installed > portal > un-install and it will take you to the login / dashboard (if logged in).
  7. Looks great mate, the only issue I would say is the text is too big on the drop down when searching for a client.
  8. I'm up for it if you like mate.
  9. We've got a small list here: https://licensecart.com/community-addons
  10. Michael

    Index.php In Url

    All sorted needed to fix Mod_Rewrite on the server.
  11. Michael

    Index.php In Url

    Do you have team viewer? If so please PM me the ID and pass and I'll see if I can help you.
  12. Michael

    Index.php In Url

    have you uploaded the "Blesta" .htaccess file or are you using nginx? It's included in the zip or you can grab a copy of the .htaccess here: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/330/blesta-s-htaccess/1/ Also are you cleared the cache? you can remove it by saving the staff group, admin tools or removing the 1 folder in /cache/
  13. So you can't login at all? Try: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/4/help-i-m-locked-out/1/
  14. Yep mate everything went perfect after messing around with the currency trying to get it to not error lol we had fun when they was making it hard for us their stupid database structure haha.
  15. Michael

    Invalid Invoice Ids

    It could be a callback issue for the gateway but we'll need a dev to help confirm that and a way to fix it.
  16. Michael

    Invalid Invoice Ids

    The 80 is the database ID, the invoice ID is a static ID no relation to the url. I have LC-yearnumber for my Invoice ID's they won't show that number in the url. or it would be: pay/method/2015092 for example. Not a bug in my opinion.
  17. See this: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/269/how-to-buy-a-slave-license/15/ that's what we mean.
  18. If they are inactive they are probably classed as "inactive" on Blesta.
  19. Michael

    Support Login Page

    You just remove the bit like: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($show_header, true)) { ?>
  20. Try using this: $templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templateskvm); $templates = $this->csvToArray($response->templates); $formatted_templates = array(); foreach ($templates as $template) { // Skip the none template if ($template == "--none--") { continue; } I'm not a coder myself I can do basics but I think that might run both templates arrays together.
  21. Welcome to the community, would you like this in the lounge forum haha?
  22. Where don't you see them? Have you logged into Blesta Admin area with your old WHMCS information? You can change the renew date by clicking manage on the service and then under Actions select Change renew date on the drop down box like so:
  23. You can use the universal module but you won't be able to use the domain order form type as it won't be able to use a API to look up if the domain is available.
  24. Is any emails sending to your customers? is your mail set to PHPMail or SMTP?
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