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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Packages > Groups > Click the row of the group and then move them up and down.
  2. Michael

    Blesta Time Line

    You need to do it in the Blesta settings: Settings > Company > General > Timezone. If it doesn't change the values then you need to set it in PHP / VPS time.
  3. You can't mix and match, unless you edit the whole folder and put the english version in the language folder.
  4. Have a chat with the developers we've listed the ones we recommend here: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/233/recommended-developers-for-blesta/3/
  5. You can't exchange add-on companies from a license to a license, however you buy an add-on from your Blesta account or / provider. Or you can buy the license and use that instead of the one you have.
  6. could be anything again… Could be the config folder, the blesta.php, it could be the wrong user permissions.
  7. That page_title is set in the plugins.
  8. Teamviewer allows me to see what you see and see if I can help. At the moment all we know is that you have a 500 error and not sure why or how to fix it.
  9. Michael

    Im A Human

    Haha whoops sorry I got that mixed up
  10. The search would have returned: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/223-welcome-email-for-hosting/
  11. Michael

    Im A Human

    Billing > Order forms > Settings
  12. Do you have team viewer it's best to see what you have and what you are doing, etc.
  13. fair enough I googled, and DA was the top.
  14. If cPanel had a tutorial I would I use InterWorx so don't deal with crapPanel
  15. You can do one of two ways: 1. Bundles: make products based on prices aka: "$5 Domains" - Make a product, select the domains TLDs for $5, put the 1 years 5.00 0.00 0.00 Or: 2. Package per: make packages for each TLD aka: ".com" - Make a product, check the TLD box and put 1 Years 10.00 0.00 0.00 I've not imported from V6, but it should work unless WHMCS has changed the database structure or their password hashing. Import Tutorial from our new design for 2016: 1 Disable WHMCS Put WHMCS into Maintainence mode, and disable the cron job. 2 Prepare Blesta Go to /config/blesta.php and edit the following section: // Set to true to enable support for legacy passwords (plain md5). Set to false for improved security Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", false); // The legacy password algorithm to use if legacy passwords are enabled Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords_algo", "md5"); Replace with: // Set to true to enable support for legacy passwords (plain md5). Set to false for improved security Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", true); // The legacy password algorithm to use if legacy passwords are enabled Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords_algo", "whmcs-md5"); The next step: We need to prepare the importer for the whmcs configurations go to /plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/whmcs/whmcs_migrator.php and find: $pricing = $this->getOptionPricing($this->WhmcsServices->getTerm($option->billingcycle), $value_id, $currency); replace with: $pricing = $this->getOptionPricing($this->WhmcsServices->getTerm($option->billingcycle), $value_id, $currency); if (!$pricing) { continue; } 3 Time to import Head to Settings » Company » Plugins » Available » Import Manager » Install and then go to Settings » Company » Plugins » Installed » Import Manager » Manage » 5.2 After you need to enter the details for WHMCS's database, check the two checkboxes, and select automatically import the packages. 4 Ready? When you are ready and know that your customers have all logged in to their client accounts you can reset the /config/blesta.php back to the default. The reasons we use the whmcs-md5 and enable the legacy is so that your clients can log in with their whmcs account information, after logging in, it will automatically re-encrypt the password into a secure Blesta hash. PS: So secure even WHMCS can't make an importer haha.
  16. http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=509
  17. Would you like me to help? If so please PM your Teamviewer ID / Password, if you don't have it please go to teamviewer.com
  18. Not assigned yet: http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-763
  19. Wowcha, that looks so nice, and I've added your GhostBill to our 2016 design community add-ons as our Choice (aka recommended) If you can PM a high quality logo of yours I can use that
  20. Michael

    Release 3.5.1

    Yep a few commands on ssh and boom!
  21. Michael

    Release 3.5.1

    All upgraded
  22. It should show all the payment methods like: Video: http://screencast.com/t/EjPAW6xZR
  23. Domain Name you can set in the languages if you are using a module, if you using the Universal Module you can update the label. The left and right is because of the order form template you are using… Not a Blesta issue if you are using custom order forms.
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