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Everything posted by Michael

  1. SSO is coming shortly see: CORE-1596, TastycPanel already has it but that's a paid feature.
  2. Here we go mate: http://screencast.com/t/NuJiphwvGr
  3. It sounds like you have an error with the javascript, do you have teamviewer if you do can you pm your information and i'll see if we can fix it, should be easy.
  4. Yeah mate I copied a package and the content was in the english tab but it was in the german one, so I saved it and thought it might just be a mistake haha and then the client ordered they was missing the html section so I take it, it was because of the tab content. I just moved it to the english tabs and saved them.
  5. Ok I'm confused mate haha I copied a package and the first Tab (German) was filled in with my English content, so I wonder if it's just the tabs is wrong? Edit nope, that's not right haha the client got a blank email template.
  6. Never had that issue myself but the only thing I can think of is there's either: 1. An invoice already generated and not closed. 2. A double cron running and it's causing false alarms.
  7. cron jobs depend on your server set-up if you have a control panel: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-4.SetupaCronJob
  8. Have you got the cron set-up? If you have, do you have a fraud check system in place MaxMind / FraudLabsPro? If you do check the billing order widget: Billing > Orders. If you don't have that widget click on the left Manage Widgets and enable it. If you have and it's accepted, it might be a issue with the module. Go to My Info on the admin area, click on Notices, and select: Creation Error. You will get an email why it's failing. You can also check the Modules logs (Tools > Logs > Modules logs > Click the Multicraft row). If you don't have any notices, go to Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > Admin > tick the boxes at the bottom.
  9. Just do what I do make an add-on package.
  10. Blesta works with cPanel fine and yep. Yep they can on their dashboard minus tickets, but they can see them by clicking tickets on the drop down box. I can't say for yourself, but I know people who use it for web hosting, web design and developing plugins etc. Why not give Blesta a spin, grab the files from blesta.com and use the 30 day trial and see if you like it .
  11. What you said there sounds like configurable options. We use the sliders and customers can edit the values and it updates via the SolusVM API. See: http://www.blesta.com/2015/06/25/blesta-3-5-now-available/ And our kb: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/269/how-to-buy-a-slave-license/15/
  12. Yep that mate, at the moment they select the German ones I believe it's because it's D, but the email templates opens to English.
  13. At the moment the only email feature selecting it is the Email templates. Emails: Welcome Emails: Knowledge base section:
  14. Michael

    Error At Install

    Move to a better web host? FreshrostedHostng or TheSkySpace are my recommendations.
  15. Don't believe you can would be a feature request in my opinion.
  16. Last time I tried to help him it was his cron job and he tried to tell me it was working fine haha. I don't think his cPanel is working probably but hey what do I know?
  17. Photoshop, Inspect Element, loads of ways to get colours from anything.
  18. Should get a reply tomorrow mate, the guys are at HostingCon getting Blesta out there more
  19. I've edited your hash in your post to ensure if that is the correct information people can't use it.
  20. Could be if he opened it in sales@blesta for example if he replied to it on paul@blesta it won't accept it.
  21. Yep looks like you have it, so not sure then mate. You need that hash and it connects the ticket reply to the ticket.
  22. Did you remove the hash bit on the email template subject?
  23. Should be really asking this in their module thread as it's not an official module and it looks like you have a missing pages or you've found a bug.
  24. I'm not sure myself but what do you use the universal module for? You can use the billing widget to set the email alerts for new orders:
  25. Sorry for the late reply, you just download the normal files mate, you just don't need to touch the hotfix5.5 folder.
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