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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I believe that's coming shortly, but the only issue is here is when I did an integration I used the newest bootstrap and it broke the design, use the Blesta version and it worked again. So it could break a few installations. Also to add to that Paul knows about it so just to note it here: Font-Awesome needs updating to 4.4.0.
  2. I only used a key before mate.
  3. You can move services via the services table search the client ID (ID in the url) and then change the client ID on the service ID you wish to move.
  4. 99.9999% of people want to do business the right way and don't up the prices you either don't touch the price or make it lower. 3 people here want to do it different and expect Blesta to comply with this way, and why? from most of the 3 people's replies mentions "WHMCS" because they do it… it must be right… I'm not going to waste my time or breath in this thread now the 3 people here want to do business wrong that's up to them but I'm not going to recommend them at all in my lifetime.
  5. works like a dream mate. Would be nice to have some friendly names instead of hostnames like Server 1, SolusVM master, cPanel / InterWorx shared etc.
  6. If you notice… Blesta does things first…. Blesta allows you to do what tiers you want…. a few months later WHMCS comes out with check boxes you tick to enable a tier. Blesta offers Responsive bootstrap theme…. the next version WHMCS does it as-well (not the best looking one but they copied). So what has Blesta copied from that pile of crap (WHMCS) people seem to adore?
  7. Maybe very UK car company should be exactly the same as Land Rover because there are more Land rovers around in the UK… Maybe every web host should copy EIG because they are the biggest company out there? What happened to do only do the best things and do it your way not copying everyone else? And they wonder why there's so many legal cases lately oh better copy them…. if people started jumping off a cliff would you join them "Hey if everyone else is doing better join them"?
  8. Not for Pauls admin only the two accounts made by default for people to log in. You can just make dummy accounts and products and whilst your doing it you can learn how it works.
  9. Nope and I don't believe Blesta should provide it because it's got an admin account and the security hash which encrypts the passwords. Why not just make a client, and backup the database not hard mate.
  10. On demo.blesta.com the information was set-up by Paul and then saved in a database and then every night it resets itself.
  11. Sure give me a bell when your online
  12. Invalid character in the package welcome email.
  13. If you mean the menu on Blesta, it's from: <div class="nav-content"> to: </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <div class="row">
  14. We use this in integrations: <?php if( $page_title == "Client Portal" ){ ?> URL <?php } ?> or <?php if( $page_title != "Client Portal" ){ ?> URL <?php } ?>
  15. Stop bloody comparing whmcs to Blesta, not everything has to be like whmcs, it's nothing to do with slow development it's unique and they add what people want / need aka feature requests. Not everyone loves the way whmcs does it. Shall they copy the way WHMCS does multi-currency and muck everything up just because WHMCS does it? See the big picture, maybe Microsoft should copy Sony because more people like the PS4.
  16. Why? Not everyone want's a logo in the emails… Oh yeah WHMCS
  17. I would re-upload the files and see if it's missing one.
  18. Do you have teamviewer? if so can you PM your id / pass please.
  19. Not sure if it's just me but some people must want Blesta to shit for them lol.

  20. You can add pictures using the WYSIWYG editor.
  21. have you tried the login themes from Ken? BlestaTheme's in the marketplace or contribute not sure which forum.
  22. Not really unless you have i's own group and order form. You can enable and disable the order form when you need to, or do what we do and set the package as restricted. Then go to the client's profile and on the left under account actions select set packages. Then tick the package, and save. Then order the service by selecting Add Service and do it that way. In the future Blesta has plans so the client can see it on the order form and can order it on their side but that's not out yet.
  23. Michael

    Release 3.5.2

    All upgraded no issues
  24. Looks like their about us is false: "So this is how we do it: we have non-outsourced staff with at least two guys online at the same time 24/7" Doesn't sound like they have 24/7 staff. And they've only been around since 2014: "Since we launched the Shooz Hosting project in late 2014" I recommend you try a reliable provider who has been in the business for at least 2+ years or an active rep on a community forum like MineCraft Forum minecraftforum.net or a web hosting forum. Good luck.
  25. You can using the: Shared Login plugin for API connections.
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