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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    User Registration

    sounds like you aren't using my way but registering on a order form when buying a product.
  2. haha php in a js vendor folder, I just checked mine and it's just js files.
  3. Wordpress are the main suspects, Joomla / Whmcs are the other options if you have them on the server make sure they are updated. I would if I was you, backup the blesta.php and then remove the Blesta files, and then re-upload the Blesta full zip. So you know you don't have anything in the Blesta folders, then look over your whole server even if you need to run malware detect. That will also tell you the files where the malware was uploaded.
  4. Hello Justin, Have you got anything on the same domain, have you got any other accounts on the server? If you have someone could have done what happened to a client of mine, their client's wordpress got hacked all all their accounts was compromised. It's not blesta itself so you have to work out if you have a weak password, insecure software on the same account / server or the control panel on the server. Not much we can do you can either do it yourself or hire a system admin, I recommend bobcares.com.
  5. I was talking to him about a tooltip on the ticket ID with the client name if it's known
  6. The only issue here is you paid retail price for that domain no-one has been willing to buy it for ages because of the price. You tried $200 BIN with $60 starting last time: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3556-for-sale-blestaextrascom/#entry26451
  7. I'm useless I managed to find it now: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4002-sagepay-uk/ Tyson said it's (CORE-141)
  8. Not on the [public] development to-do list nor any feature request threads in the request forum. So I would open one there if you would like Sage with a link to their API docs and see how many people need it to use Blesta
  9. You can see them when you open the ticket though and on the last reply.
  10. contact, staff and users
  11. Don't you just love cPanel?
  12. I bet any money it's the password you are using.
  13. Yes it does, and as with Blesta as long as you have the addon companies on your license our plugin will work on every multi-company addon. Here's a video of setting up: http://screencast.com/t/ilkGTunaUd I mucked up a few times showing my private info like admin area url so it shows from the routes.php but it shows you the Multi-company feature. Here is how to display the page title: http://screencast.com/t/7Fc6AkyZ9DZa it's a continue from the last video - did make a few mistakes there too whoops).
  14. You can edit the code I'm hoping to have a setting to disable / enable comments and avatars. File to edit: /plugins/blesta_cms/views/default/main_blog.pdt
  15. Blesta CMS 1.1.1 has been released: Bug fixes completed: - Can't add a comment says there's an invalid field. - Can't delete any pages / posts / etc. - Can't change the url location after it's set. Improvements: - Comments use the Gravatar for images. Our 50% off offer only is available until Monday then it's back to the retail price of $100 or free with our modern integration + service.
  16. You can't yet but it's coming soon follow CORE-1320
  17. nope you could try {client.first_name}
  18. Weird I know the guys use Macs for Blesta.
  19. Could be added to the task I think Blesta has to cancel subscriptions on cancellations.
  20. I have this too but I don't think it's a blesta issue but the browser which version do you use? I have a very old version 6.1.6
  21. I don't and I don't think anyone who used plesk has told us how to fix it, does Plesk have a force grateful restart ilke InterWorx?
  22. Sounds like you have Blesta on the Plesk server and the Plesk is restarting before sending it to Blesta.
  23. What do you mean Blesta site? Blesta comes with a blesta RSS feed so you can tell when a new post is posted on their blog. To add a feed just click the cog on the rss feed widget.
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