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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Works on my safari mate.
  2. Jeez do you really need to open another thread for the same question? It won't get solved faster if you open 1000 threads. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5000-enable-save-cc-details-by-default/
  3. We've just finished integrating this free theme into Blesta, if you have our Blesta CMS, you can download the CMS version which has the Menu / Blog pages ready for you from our download area. Video Preview: http://screencast.com/t/IXomHamfsL Free theme if you don't wish to use our CMS but want your site to look the same: http://graygrids.com/item/margo-free-multi-purpose-bootstrap-template/ To remove the copyright you are kindly asked to go to the above url and donate / pay a small fee of $12 Previews: Blog: Download: https://cdn.atlanical.uk/themes/margo-cms-ce.zip
  4. or diff
  5. Just copy and paste from the html side and that will work.
  6. In the Text part do you have {package.email_text} in the email template, and in the package welcome email did you fill in the text tab too?
  7. Well just make the "test" accounts as fraud then or inactive and move on otherwise you've learnt the lesson to backup the database before adding test accounts on a live installation. Or you can delete stuff from the database which you believe should be removed and if it breaks the installation then you learnt the lesson that way... Everyone here will state that you need to backup before doing test accounts and before upgrading / migrating.
  8. You can't set the maximum value, but you could open a feature request for a field validation for adding a payment to check it's not over the top.
  9. Just re-install Blesta. You shouldn't use a production environment for testing on, or you should have a backup database to restore.
  10. Correct you need the "Full" 3.5.3 Zip.
  11. If you only need that you could contact a developer to develop it for a fee, there's plenty around like ModulesBakery, Naja7host or PauloV.
  12. Go to this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=displayname
  13. I've never used it myself.
  14. Blesta / Database you can also see our blog video above in the thread to see it in operation.
  15. Michael

    New To Blesta

    http://www.liquidwebhost.com/checkout/ is the portal (cms) plugin. You can edit that to remove the admin urls here: Settings > Company > Plugins > Available > Portal: Manage When a client is logged in by clicking My Account, they will be taken to the dashboard, where they will see their services, invoices, transactions, tickets and be able to changed their information etc that would be: http://www.liquidwebhost.com/checkout/client/ To create packages you go to: Packages > Add // To set-up an order form you go to: Packages > Order form > Add. If you go to http://www.liquidwebhost.com/checkout/ you'll notice the order form url doesn't work. Go to Packages > Order form > Settings > Default and select it from the dropdown menu. If you would like more than one order form shown there see: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/232/how-can-i-display-more-than-one-order-forms/11/ For Package urls see: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/3/how-can-i-get-a-direct-url-to-a-package/11/ How to set-up a registration form without placing an order: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/227/how-can-i-set-up-a-registration-form/11/ How to sell domains: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/273/how-can-i-sell-domains/11/ Package welcome email templates: https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/index/26/
  16. You did a me ages ago to find out there was already a similar request but worded differently: See here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1306-department-level-ticket-auto-replies/ Dev tracker: CORE-1358
  17. The 2013 price was a promotional price, so that's not an increase that's a promotion which expired when v3 came out, you need to learn the facts. If I search Blesta in "incognito" your domain is nowhere near #1 position. The page rank is 0. And Alexa rank is: 9,890,724 with one back link… so what #1 are you talking about to increase it LOL. dream ranking? Only someone who is deluded would pay $250 for it, even anything over $20 for it, the only thing good about it is it has a trademark (to be).
  18. Michael

    Issues With Piping

    That's something you need to work on where it's coming from and prevent it. On Interworx you can ban the email address as spam, not sure how you do that on cPanel. But it's not Blesta and your pipe.php has to be 777 else it won't work. Blesta can't be liable for a spammer
  19. It doesn't matter about the domain market I do know about that, but people have brains you know. And unless they are making a brand or a million dollar company people won't be stupid enough and just either wait for a domain to expire and register for the retail price or just register a similar or better domain for the retail price. And look at it this way, people who bought the $99 Blesta license and try and sell it for $300 won't get anywhere because people know by the date registered and therefore people go lower than what they paid to sell it. You tried selling it here before with a starting price of $60 and a BIN at $200, you didn't get anywhere at all here or on WHT. You then come back trying to sell it for more than before… someone with brains would go.. Oh I didn't sell it at that price before let's lower the price, not the other way round.
  20. Correct the client side was updated to have Bootstrap back in 3.2.x I believe. it would be in /app/views/admin/structure.pdt and not sure you need js for the drop down, css and probably and if statement to limit the values by one to echo them in their own <li></li> but I don't do coding so I hire ModulesBakery.
  21. Bootstrap isn't even used in the admin area so how do you work that out
  22. Whoops lol I thought this was the Pro thread my bad yes KP use this plugin.
  23. Use Naja7Host's plugin for just the numbers.
  24. Blesta's CMS is the portal, but it's just the page at the moment they are going to be building from it in the future. Our Plugin does everything right now and shortly multi-language in 1.2.0. Portal: https://docs.blesta.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=2621971 [ Portal/CMS ] So to make it in simple terms, the portal plugin on Blesta since 3.0.0 is the cms, if you go to /plugins/ you see a cms folder. They are going to be building on the cms plugin but it's not on the to-do list yet. Ours does everything from making custom pages to a custom blog so you don't need wordpress which is a security hellhole.
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