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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Is there a space after 1 or 3?
  2. Merci mate
  3. Never been a fan of OpenVZ since people can oversell and I like full control and all the space I buy haha.
  4. You have to clear the cacheā€¦. you can use a addon or remove the 1 folder inside the cache folder .
  5. You can use Tyson's plugin on the Marketplace to edit the country / etc.
  6. You just have to update it after you upgrade. This is in the main controller for the cms: $settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_client"), array( 'total_results' => $total_results, 'uri' => $this->base_uri . "blog/" . $page->uri . "/[p]/", 'results_per_page' => 5, ) );
  7. Should be able to do it manually, as Mujahed gave us a option in the CMS Plugin to set the number of results per page.
  8. I believe that's ticked by default.
  9. If you have made a payment type: Settings > System > General > Payment Types. Then make one called etransfer. Then go to their profile, click record payment then put in $420. Don't tick an invoice and click send email and save. The cron will then apply the credit to the invoice and close it. After the invoices will be closed and apply the rest of the credit automatically.
  10. I suppose it's like a merchant since Stripe does that but all PayPal and recurring
  11. When you start one up, the client goes to the paypal billing agreement, signs in, accepts, goes back to the site. Then when you place an order it then uses the billing agreement to make the payment and you cancel it cancels it, but you use the same agreement when they make more orders. GoDaddy do it which is how I know. https://uk.godaddy.com/help/adding-paypal-as-a-payment-method-3403
  12. Here's the API Docs https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/create-billing-agreement/
  13. Let the client top up their account with credit. They click Make a payment, type it in the other value box, check out and it will auto add to the invoices when they are generated.
  14. Yep it works, I logged into my vpn and Blesta look me from the support tickets to the login.
  15. sounds like you have double modules in the database or the package you have has a invalid module id.
  16. You mate have brains haha why didn't I think of that earlier on, but yeah it's due to Blesta needs newer Javascript, the theme needs older javascript. I did moan to the theme developer saying the slider / nav doesn't work on newer js but we've found the issue thanks to you mate, so stuck Temp fix: <?php if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "order") !== false){ ?> <script src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>javascript/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>javascript/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <?php }else{ ?> <script src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <?php } ?> But no nav unless shrink the screen haha.
  17. Yep but doesn't work for some reason, I've put them in the footer, doesn't load Blesta's js, put them in the top it works. Then the order form pages don't show the content / prices, however they are pure js files so I can't really edit them as I don't know what to edit, etc since they are made for jquery, the ones I can I did to stop conflicting before until I found out the blesta-3.5.0.js used just $( on everything and I put the conflict code in and it fixed most of the issues, minus this one.
  18. Never used it myself, hopefully someone can help you. You could try it with the trial.
  19. You're welcome, haha I've just had a lot of experience using Blesta you'll get the hang of it like me soon.
  20. You need to set-up the default order form: Packages > Order form > settings > Default order form.
  21. that's a neat thing the issue I have is the scripts used like sliders, menu, etc not sure why as I haven't had the issue of conflicting before haha, I think it's because Blesta needs a higher JS version than the layout itself so it's causing issues but it's just the order form, the client dashboard, etc works fine.
  22. Go to the database, find your username in the users table, and change two_factor_mode to none.
  23. You're welcome. It's down to you really, custom integrations are made to match your website, so if you don't want a free one and stand out from the crowd it's a good option. Ourselves are very picky when it comes to integration because we only do Bootstrap 3.3.x and Pure Html / CSS, otherwise we recommend our friends at BlestaTheme.com you can find Ken via the site name on the forum. We can however it wouldn't include a slider so just header and footer, unless you purchase our Modern Integrations, which if you buy the standard modern integration you get 5 custom pages which are plugins, or our Modern Integration Plus which provides our CMS so you can make unlimited pages, custom menu & blog. Best to use Bootstrap 3.3.x or a responsive pure html / css since Blesta uses Bootstrap 3.3.x for the client area.
  24. Glad to hear you've just migrated Frank, our free theme works without our CMS plugin, you can just download the zip from the download manager url above. If you do purchase our CMS you can download the Margo_CMS.zip which includes the files for the blog design.
  25. Downloaded it on firefox and tried and it looks confusing haha
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