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Everything posted by Michael

  1. You've answered it yourself, you can either have one package for a set price and tick the boxes for the domains or do one package per domain tld. You could even have one package for all the tlds, and one for the other domain, just put them in the same domain group and they will work fine.
  2. Not yet, you can +1 the feature, Blesta do it themselves so it is possible.
  3. Sounds like you want a bucket billing, http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4121-bucket-billing-short-and-long-term-solution/
  4. No every package needs a module, if you select none it gives you an error, the universal module is the answer, all you do is make a blank universal module package with no fields and it will just run like normal. Myself I need to show the client a license key and I need a IP for some things so the top service field is license key. I put the key in when I manually provision it and it shows up as the label. If you are advanced some people like a email or api with certain things, so they use the advanced boxes below the product / services fields. PS: I thought 9/11 was a hoax until I saw a documentary where it told you that melting aluminium from the plane would have re-acted to the water from the sprinklers and caused a big bang worse than C4. So the liquid aluminium would have poured down the building with the water causing explosions down the side causing it to fall the way it did. Why did I think it was a hoax / government? Because they blamed terrorists from the start and it locked like a controlled demolition.
  5. Try this mate at the top: $loggedin = $this->requireLogin(); if( !$loggedin ){ echo "sorry you need to be logged in to place an order"; }else{ Then at the bottom of the page put a }
  6. There might be a if statement for logged in but the guys would know more about that.
  7. Not much you can do to work around that, unless you make a custom nav only available for logged in users.
  8. Move to a new provider or control panel, because I know cPanel needs /usr/local/bin/php but hey. Even Namecheap say it too: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9453/29/how-to-run-scripts-via-cron-jobs
  9. Is your cron job correct? cPanel: /usr/local/bin/php others: /usr/bin/php That's the main reason why a cron doesn't run. The manual way doesn't touch the cron job.
  10. Yep that's a bug for recurring invoices, there's no left button. http://screencast.com/t/dfR4HN4UD6
  11. Only if you tick the prorate box.
  12. Try re-uploading the files and did you run /upgrade/ because I've never experienced a loop (clients or me).
  13. The Universal Module allows you to make products or services without a module... The best way to explain it is in my KB Article How can I sell a product without a module? If you want to pay for a module to be done, you don't need it, if there's a module already done, you don't need it. If you would like a product to send you a email / via the api you can do it on the Universal Module. I use it for LiteSpeed, Softaculous, CraftSRV, etc licenses because I don't have a module for them yet. I used to use it for Blesta / InterWorx licenses before I had a module done where I re-made the packages with the new module. I've had a customer use it for providing the address for their mail office. (They used to sell office space and mail delivery etc). So a customer ordered and they then got a welcome email with the address, this was manually entered after their order was accepted.
  14. If you are cloning the gateway you need to rename everything in that folder including the folder itself.
  15. Have a look at WHTheme.com it's owned by Ken who owns BlestaTheme.com, he's the best UI designer minus Paul. But there are free themes on the marketplace: marketplace.blesta.com
  16. Full time job so no time… but i'm hoping if LC picks up more and I can go limited, I can hire Mujahed for more money
  17. If you bought the tasty stuff you should be fine. You can't swap modules either but you'd be fine on the Tasty stuff as it's secure code unlike the ModulesGarden stuff.
  18. Blesta is better doesn't need to be responsive on the admin area, and it's the way you said it… (In british slang it sounded cocky).
  19. Ignore him mate, he's moaning about thin air would like to see him do it.
  20. Well I take it you will hate IPB 4.1 too.https://community.invisionpower.com/ it seems it's "Modern"... Erm I can use the admin theme on my mobile and I don't think any billing system to day is responsive sooo what's the problem?
  21. Are the IMAP details correct, we've had users input the password wrong, it could be no imap installed on the server or something else.
  22. Yes you can, as it's a minor version so we need to use the full zip and there's no patch. However please note that 3.6 will be in Beta first.
  23. You can edit anything you want in the language files. (Just remember they will get overridden in updates so keep a backup of your edits.
  24. You need to give us more information... What type of importing are you using? IMAP, SMTP or Piping. What control panel if any do you have?
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