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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Structure.pdt When I did it before it was in the line but with the code above it goes in the way you set it in the company settings
  2. Thank you mate life saver. <?php if( $system_company->address !='' ){ echo nl2br($this->Html->safe($this->Html->ifSet($system_company->address))); } ?>
  3. On the company address, if you put this: 123 Demo, Street name, Address, Town, zipcode It would output: 123 Demo, Street name, Address, Town, zipcode Not with the lines.
  4. Michael

    Cron Task Stuck

    You have to wait for the cron lock to allow you to stop the crashed job, you can do it manually if you wish by doing the following: Cron job has been running for over 60 minutes?
  5. Have you checked that the requirements are all set: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Requirements You can ask Namecheap for help if you need it as they manage the servers you are on, personally it's better when you own your own VPS.
  6. Michael

    How To Force Ssl?

    the htaccess should work with cPanel.
  7. Michael

    How To Force Ssl?

    Do you have teamviewer and I can look with you or are you using a control panel (If you use a non control panel do you have allowoveride All?)
  8. Would be perfect, I have a drop down I posted before so they can't write their own. Ref: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4312-thesslstore-improvement-could-work-on-gogetssl-too/
  9. A guess, but most places do 15-30minutes
  10. Don't believe so, just tell them to not to log in for about half an hour else it resets the limit for another 30 minutes.
  11. Correct if you need help with your license you can go to them for help or the community forums.
  12. So it shows this mate? private function sendPaymentNotice($action, stdClass $client, stdClass $contact, stdClass $invoice, $autodebit_account=null) { if (!isset($this->Emails)) $this->uses(array("Emails")); // Determine the email template to send if (!isset($this->InvoiceDelivery)) { $this->components(array("InvoiceDelivery")); } $email_group_action = null; switch ($action) { case "notice1": $email_group_action = "invoice_notice_first"; break; case "notice2": $email_group_action = "invoice_notice_second"; break; case "notice3": $email_group_action = "invoice_notice_third"; break; }
  13. 1. I don't believe anyone has a pack you can buy but you could help contribute to the translator pack to help complete it. I personally don't know anyone from Germany to help get a language pack out there. 2. Not sure what you mean by a button solution, you'll need to explain that a bit more for the community and developers. 3. https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Overview
  14. Both work and that's up-to you. You can't until the new revamp for domains because you will get a table with three sections. Transfer is already done via the API's with the EPP Code. Don't think that will come fast since it's not as easy as it sounds. I spoke to Eric and Mujahed and I believe it's really hard to do that but mine was about a custom non domain module. You can do it via the database and soon to be move service under User Actions. Has to be a domain module but you can if you use the Domain and Other order form. Dowt that will ever come unless it's easy because not every registrar offers the API for it.
  15. It would be nice if we and customers could have a email when a cancellation has been made.
  16. Sounds awesome mate
  17. You can use the edit here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2952-blesta-321-351-universal-module-workaround-show-service-fields-at-client-panel/
  18. That's probably fixed in 3.6.0: https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1467 but I could be wrong and they did it just for the Invoices?
  19. Yeah mate that is confusing because I thought it was recurring for 1 month indefinitely and the next due day is next month…?
  20. Personally I think the way is fine as it is now because the client knows where they live and can pick the one they want. I like being known as West Midlands, but some like Warwickshire.
  21. Download manager under beta.
  22. See: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/592-display-prices-on-your-website/?hl=display+prices
  23. Merci Paul mate Feature request: Tooltips to explain what each drop down does mate
  24. Michael

    Release 3.6.0-B1

    All upgraded merci guys roll on 4.0 after the beta
  25. You can't with the universal module only a "Domain" module can do it. Logicboxes, Namecheap, OpenSRS, etc.
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