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Everything posted by Michael

  1. 11. was their 11th version then they just kept patching up.
  2. You can check manually but MaxMind / FraudLabsPro stop fraud as-well which are implemented at the moment. FraudRecord is on their to-do list and Blesta are looking at a way to use both MaxMind / FraudLabsPro & FraudRecord giving you double the security than other systems.
  3. Feature request threads. Personally PDFs in my opinion should be invoiced with the invoice emails.
  4. So glad I'm not using it lol removing the 11. to make 54 and then 55, what will it be in 10 years 154, and with the new design makes the paperlatern look good and the login screen looks like you will be scrolling it soon when most companies do side by side.
  5. You need something like this (Code Mujahed did for us as an example): public function getActions() { return array( array( 'action' => "nav_primary_staff", 'uri' => "settings/company/plugins/manage/{$this->pluginid}/", 'name' => Language::_("blesta_cms.name", true), 'options' => array() ) ); }
  6. Haha I need sleep sorry that's what I meant.
  7. Download manager > paid extensions or contact the support team to find out why you don't have permission. Hope you did save the config.php
  8. You sure the files aren't in the /blesta folder still? Or cPanel is doing what it has done to a customer of mine and refused to override files so he had to use FTP.
  9. I wonder if they are part of Chase (part of JP Morgan), they have us on their blacklist for some reason and want me to phone them up to work out why, nice high call cost lol.
  10. Michael

    Release 3.6.0

    account.blesta.com click download manager, then right click... click on copy and then paste.
  11. I was wondering since we have the PayPal refund working nicely in 3.6.0, it would be nice to refund a partial payment.
  12. Michael

    Release 3.6.0

    All upgraded merci roll on 4.0
  13. It's up-to you if you wish to make packages or let them create them using configurable options but using one package as it's your business. It's up-to you I've heard a lot of bad things about Virtualizor myself (one being on this forum involving their Blesta module). But it's your choice what do you prefer and what do you think is best for your business. There's no Virtualizor to SolusVM importer until SolusVM 2. Blesta maintain the SolusVM Module so you know it will always be up-to date.
  14. Blesta 3.6.0 is in Beta so you get all the files which are available in Blesta. 3.6.0 does have a few new things like plugins / gateways you can find out more here: https://docs.blesta.com/display/support/3.6.0
  15. 3.5.3, and then when 3.6.0 is out upgrade to it. All Blesta's Betas are stable enough for production we've been doing it since 3.0.0.
  16. You can follow this way to set-up packages: How to set-up a package? and see: How can I sell Domains? and link them up, since you need to select the packages for the VPS packages at the bottom of the domain and other order form. If you are using SolusVM for your VPS's you can use the SolusVM Configuration options to do locations, extra CPU, extra RAM, extra space etc: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/SolusVM#SolusVM-ConfigurableOptionsOverview The OpenSRS Module is fine enough to be stable just the developer uses Beta / Alpha to ensure they people don't go overboard moaning about bugs I used to use the Logicboxes module but the only good providers are NetEarthOne or ResellBiz since LogicBoxes and ResellerClub are both owned By Endurance International Group (google them - they are the worse company on the planet).
  17. No it doesn't, well not yet
  18. Yes you can: How do I enable errors on password reset? The only issue here is you are assuming it's a email address they are using for their username, if they pick a username they can't use their email address to reset. And this way by enabling it can allow people to check who is a customer by guessing email addresses which is why it's disabled by default.
  19. LDAP is already done: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1852-ldap-authentication-plugin/?hl=ldap
  20. Michael

    Custom Fields

    You have to have the same fields per client group and copy and paste the old value to the new one. This is going to be fixed soon I believe can't find the core number though.
  21. Is Blesta installed on InterWorx?
  22. You're more than welcome, we're here if you need us.
  23. Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3923-critical-keep-getting-call-to-undefined-function-crypt-random-when-trying-to-install-blesta/ It's the PHP.ini.
  24. ok what I'm going to ask you to do is just one way to bypass it, since some reason the config isn't able to be written by the server. go to /config/blesta.php replace the database details with the correct ones so change {database_host} to localhost etc Then at the bottom find: Configure::set("Blesta.system_key", ''); Then in that bit generate a really long key in a-z 0-9 and then save the configuration. Then try again. A site: https://www.random.org/strings/?num=20&len=20&digits=on&loweralpha=on&unique=on&format=html&rnd=new and then use like 4 of them.
  25. We've pre-made Blesta Integrations based on the Themeforest designs, so this is our little portfolio which we will update. If you need any support please contact our support team. All our pre-made themes also have a BlestaCMS Version for our customers. All pre-made themes are $5 per, you do however need the theme from Themeforest before you can get the theme from us. FlatHost Marketplace url: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/7-FlatHost MyVPS Marketplace url: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/16-MyVPS RealHost Marketplace Url: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/18-RealHost[/size] Dataserv Marketplace Url: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/19 Satria Marketplace Url: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/28-Satria How cool pages you can make with the CMS plugin and the MyVPS theme: Cool things you can do with Satria:
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