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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Cron Jobs

    If you click the link it would go to my Knowledgebase article which says: use /usr/local/bin/php cron url instead of /usr/bin/php cron url. I don't support cPanel myself but look for:
  2. Michael

    Cron Jobs

    ok so how did you install the database?
  3. Michael

    Cron Jobs

    How did you install Blesta?
  4. Michael

    Cron Jobs

    To set up the cron you need to tell us which control panel you use if you use one so we can help you get it right
  5. If you are using my theme(s) look for the code above and remove it from the footer as-well.
  6. Ah, I only do ones I'd use myself if I was a host .
  7. Glad you like it Shapebootstrap make some cool themes.
  8. Not yet, and I don't think there's a feature request for it to get the votes and maybe a CORE number.
  9. Much better mate.
  10. Number 1 but the user information on the left.
  11. I never thought about the precision before
  12. ah that might be why merci I have 4.
  13. I'm not sure if it's a 100% bug so can you test for me please. Hungarian currency is set to 123,456 but the invoices add a .xx value after it causes issues.
  14. The server which hosts Blesta needs the soap function non cpanel: yum install php-soap -y
  15. That's one step, if you just want to try Blesta check out licensedemo.com, it resets every hour so you can go wild on it.
  16. Try the IP address, hostnames are always something.something.com not domain.com
  17. That's a feature request...
  18. Again, if Callum ordered the domain before me and I didn't know and I can't place a order with my own domain because he's already used it, I would be pissed off and write the worst review on a forum, that I couldn't place a order because my domain already is on their server without me using it, so what would you prefer?
  19. I don't think you ca, you can make a plugin which supports it. Or you can use the BlestaCMS to do a page but you can't put AngularJS / PHP in it just html, so you'd have to edit the structure: <?php if( $page_title == "Page Name" ){ ?> AngularJS, etc. <?php } ?>
  20. I disagree, not everyone wants the world to be like Microsoft 10, but you can do it by adding .panel-blesta{border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; -moz-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; -webkit-border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;}
  21. The CSS / PHP / HTML tool by Naja7host, and you can just enter his CSS, it's coming in Blesta shortly, can't find the core either for it.
  22. You can't yet, not had any issues to date though. coming in, I can't find the CORE number sorry, search it on dev.blesta.com if you would like to find it, Paul and the guys will know the one it's assigned to.
  23. Un-install the support manager. Go to: plugins/support_manager/support_manager_plugin.php Find and remove: , array( 'uri' => "plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/", 'name' => Language::_("SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_client.knowledgebase", true) ) Then install, is the easy way.
  24. Again that's a client issue if you want to order a subdomain, I've never heard of a client ordering a subdomain and a hosting unless it's a web hosting business one for the site, one for a forum or billing area, so they should know it needs the dns on your server. The reason people order subdomain.domain.com normally is for virtual server hostnames.
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