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  1. smerrikin

    Namecheap Error

    I am getting the same error when testing it. All info is correct and veryfied. Added my IP to the API on namecheap and everything. Still getting the error. I am using sandbox atm as I don't want to use my live account
  2. Looks good.
  3. Now I'm playing with the setup. This is very tricky to do with minimal documentation. More of a trial and error. I love the layout of CubicWebs Blesta. This is how I would like mine to look for the hosting part.
  4. Well after 2 days of playing with the design of Blesta I gotta say its very very well done. Pretty easy to integrate with any html site. Still a bit of work to do on mine but its coming along nicely. If you wanna see it http://merrikin.ca/install/
  5. Or later than that. I'm having some troubles with the integration and figuring out the packages. Still reading through all the manuals and bookmarking important a things to read later.
  6. Sweet. Ya I would love to give it a try. I'm on vacation right now but I will be back in the office on Monday
  7. Where can I find a copy of 2.5 to test it out?
  8. I have been taking a backup every time I do something just in case I mess it up and can restore fast. Loving the s3 backup. In would prefer a Google drive or dropbox but s3 works fine for now. I almost have it customized to my theme. Side note: so far I'm liking the system. Very nicely laid out. Still thinking of purchasing and dumping my WHM** lease. Since I can't import my client list (yet) I would have to manually import them all. Just gotta figure out how to move their previous invoices over.
  9. I did follow the instructions. I went to mydomain.com/install and that is where I got the error. Then I went to mydomain.com/install/install.php and that worked.
  10. Hi, I am trying to install the trial before I purchase it. I followed all the instructions and looked through the forums. Here is my error. Oh noes!Call to Model::makeDSN with invalid parameters, required array('driver'=>,'database'=>,'host'=>) on line 226 in /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php(256): Model::makeDSN(NULL) #1 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php(278): Model->makeConnection() #2 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php(117): Model->lazyConnect() #3 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/record/record.php(654): Model->query('SELECT `value` ...', Array) #4 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/session/session.php(233): Record->fetch() #5 [internal function]: Session->sessionSelect('14737cf24220dfd...') #6 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/session/session.php(170): session_start() #7 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/session/session.php(37): Session->sessionSet(1800, 'sessions', 'id', 'expire', 'value', 'blesta_sid') #8 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #9 [internal function]: ReflectionClass->newInstance() #10 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/loader.php(211): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #11 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/loader.php(85): Loader::loadAndInitialize(Object(Main), 'component', Array) #12 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/controller.php(117): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Main), Array) #13 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/app/app_controller.php(0): Controller->components() #14 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/plugins/cms/cms_controller.php(13): AppController->preAction() #15 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/plugins/cms/controllers/main.php(17): CmsController->preAction() #16 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/dispatcher.php(102): Main->preAction() #17 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/install/') #18 {main} Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnknownException' with message 'Invalid callback Session::sessionWrite, cannot access private method Session::sessionWrite()' in Unknown:0 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: UnknownException::setErrorHandler(2, 'Invalid callbac...', 'Unknown', 0, Array) #1 {main} thrown inUnknown on line 0 Warning: Invalid callback Session::sessionClose, cannot access private method Session::sessionClose() in Unknown on line 0 I receive this error before entering any DB info. First time I go to the install dir is when I get it. Help? EDIT: Nevermind. I am a tool. Went to install/install.php and it all worked. Time to test this out now. Lock this thread if need be.
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