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  1. You can add the .it domain fields?
  2. I have need to change the Group to a lot of customers. Can someone help me with the sql command in order to change the group to all clients? Thanks in advance
  3. We've noticed (after WHMCS data import) that the Client ID start from 1 instead of 1500 (default value of Blesta). We've added a new client and the Blesta has assigned the number 1501. This is right or can cause problems?
  4. My Work In Progress...
  5. I would be interested to know if anybody has already moved your billing system from whmcs to Blesta. If so, what's the reasoning?
  6. Ok.... But no error message for empty required fields? This is very bad! I would like to switch from whcms (my WHMCS license expires in the next few days) to Blesta but I'm not entirely sure of this system migration...
  7. Are you sure? The order is accepted also if you leaving the fields empy (I tried it on your site).
  8. The issue has not been fixed yet? Unfortunately (with these bugs) the "thesslstore" module is not usable.
  9. The login is based on the username of the customer? If in the portal (joomla, wordpres, etc...) the customer have the username "Pippo" it can access (into Blesta) to the account owned by "Pippo"? If into Blesta the username "Pippo" is assigned to "Pamela Anderson" and in the other system the username "Pippo" is assigned to "Jenna Jameson"? I'm wrong or Jenna Jameson has access to the account owned by Pamela Anderson?
  10. How do I to configure the Universal Module in order to send an email to our activations department?
  11. I have the same problem. No solution?
  12. Works great! Thank you.
  13. I've created (Settings > Company > Custom Client Fields) a custom field ---> Fiscal Code Number. I need that this custom field (Fiscal Code Number) can be displayed on the PDF invoices. Related file: /components/invoice_templates/default_invoice/default_invoice_pdf.php What code do I use? Thank you in advance.
  14. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  15. Yea, In many countries this is required by law. Should be added as a feature.
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