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  1. I'm having trouble with the BitPay payment gateway. At first when checking out and clicking the "Pay with BitPay" button, the page just went back to step 1 in the checkout process. I read in another thread that this means there was an error with the BitPay gateway and to check the logs. (It might be better to display an error, rather than just going back to step 1 if there's an issue.) The logs are showing: https://bitpay.com/api/invoice/ a:1:{s:5:"error";s:67:"Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates";}
  2. gsupp

    Auto Debit

    Also you may want to refer to my thread, at the bottom there's a list of things from Tyson (Blesta dev) that have to be set right for auto debit to work: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1723-auto-debit-not-working/
  3. gsupp

    Auto Debit

    Also make sure you have "Auto Debit Attempts" set to a high value under Billing/Payment -> Invoice and Charge Options. I believe this was causing problems when I couldn't get auto debit working, a customer's card was declined a few times and Blesta marked it disabled, but there doesn't seem to be any indication in the UI of this or way to reset the failed debit count. Increasing this to 20 seems to work for me.
  4. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    It works! Thank you everyone for you help.
  5. Sorry to be a bother, but are we getting closer? Right now manually processing Bitcoin payments is very cumbersome and I'd love to be able to use a Bitpay payment module.
  6. I'm also very interested in this module and await it's release!
  7. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    Thank you Tyson! I verified everything you said to check and today got the cron log entry "Attempting to auto debit open invoices. Attempting to auto debit client #1500 for all open invoices in the amount of $6.48 USD. Successfully processed the payment. The auto debit invoices task has completed."! I'm going to put the Stripe gateway back into production mode and set it to store card information offiste again. Then we'll see in 10 days when a customer comes up for renewal. I'll post my results.
  8. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    It's Stripe (ver 1.1.2) that I'm having trouble with. Good to know PayPal works. I know this has to work, I just can't seem to figure out what's going wrong.
  9. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    Auto debit still didn't debit anyone today. I'm going to try with "Store Card Information Offsite" turned off (delete and re-create payment account), since I'm not sure what else to do.
  10. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    Ok, I updated to 3.0.7 (also updated all modules/plugins/payment gateways) and will see what happens tomorrow.
  11. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    I followed up on the test customer I created and they were not billed either. All I see under the Auto Debit task in the cron log is "Attempting to auto debit open invoices. The auto debit invoices task has completed." It's like the account isn't flagged to be debited or something. Although auto debit is enabled for that customer and they have a default payment method. This is happening for all customers, none of my clients get billed automatically. I'm at a loss here. What else can be done?
  12. Any update? I'd love to be able to accept Bitcoin with Blesta!
  13. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    Ok, thanks. I switched to the test API key in the Stripe module, created an invoice due today (1/2/14) for a test customer that has auto-debit enabled and a default (test) payment account set. From my understanding, they should be auto debited tomorrow 1/3/14, is that correct? I'm a little confused by: I thought if the invoice cron ran first, it would create the invoices that the auto-debit cron would then charge. Is that not right? Thank you for your help.
  14. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    Yes, invoice #108 was invoiced on 12/23/13 and also due on 12/23/13. It was manually processed on 12/30/13. The "Create Invoice" cron is set to run at 10:05:00 and the "Auto Debit" cron runs at 14:00:00. I checked the "Auto Debit" cron log entry for the next day (12/24/13) but it also said only "Attempting to auto debit open invoices. The auto debit invoices task has completed."
  15. gsupp

    Auto Debit Not Working

    "Store card information offsite" has been enabled since I first installed Blesta and configured the Stripe gateway, so I don't believe that would be causing it. I just checked the Cron log and found the Auto Debit entry from 12/23/13, when a customer's invoice was due and they should have been auto debited. All I see is: "Attempting to auto debit open invoices. The auto debit invoices task has completed." The auto debit entry for 12/24/13 also says the same. Under Settings > Company > Billing/Payment > Invoice and Charge Options, I have "Invoice Days Before Renewal" set to "Same Day" and "Auto Debit Days Before Due Date" set to "Same Day". "Auto Debit Exponential Backoff" is disabled and the other 5 checkboxes are enabled.
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