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  1. I feel sure I bought a lifetime licence but was asked to pat for the updates and support. I think that is a fair price but I'm not sure it's what I signed up for.
  2. Thanks Paul, I have tried with an updated Blesta and added the output to the ticket I opened.
  3. Not working with the latest 6.10 Clientexec. Got the error about passwords and made changes where I could.
  4. This is built in from version 4.8 I think... https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2849
  5. I'd think, having spent just five minutes looking at the problem, the tables you would need are transactions, transaction_applied, transaction_types, invoices and invoice_lines. Probably some customer data.
  6. Just as a heads up, the legislation is being slowed down in response to concerns from online Traders.
  7. Thanks Paul, I will take a look at the code and contact one or two people here also.
  8. Hi For some clients I would like to have the invoice say "claim" rather than "invoice", would it be possible to add an if client group = 2 then language="claim" else "invoice"? Thanks Jon
  9. JRox Affiliate Manager, a competitor of idevaffiliate and which works in a similar way, offers a free licence for up to 50 affiliates. That might be worth looking if cost is an issue.
  10. Does this help? http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=512
  11. @Electric - this is the sort of software you will like. (Hello from over there, still plodding on). I understand about some of the functionality not being available and I know for your business this functionality will be a deal breaker. But when it comes... rock solid code, a nice (slightly different) way of working and solid, friendly suppport.
  12. The ideal of course would be to have postcode lookup. The reason, surely for recording the address is either a) to mail the customer something, to let HMRC know who you are trading with and c) to send the police round. In this case, the ISO matters less than the postcode. Users should at least be able to disable this. Michael, it might be best to keep your political opinions to yourself, if I were a pro-eu customer I might decide not to trade with you?
  13. Is thee any way to fetch mail without mailparse?
  14. Expect the list to change over the next couple of years, the cuts made to council funding means that more county and district/borough councils will become unitary authorities. Having said that, Royal Mail don't use the county in addressing any longer. Postcode lookup would be great but a licence would be required and they are not particularly cheap
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