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Everything posted by hadzo

  1. Thanks for tip, I am using Mandrill sa smtp server, did not login to their site to check status of emails...... One of the reasons I requested this feature - I am used to it as an ex-Wave Apps user.
  2. It would be great if email remiders wit invoices could have a invoice download link which once clicked would mark the invoice status as Seen. 1. Email with invoice link is sent, invoice status "Sent" 2. Client clciked the download link, invoice status "Seen" 3. Client pays the invoice, invoice status "Paid"
  3. Good idea.
  4. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2787-company-only-contacts/ In short I need a way to manually enter cotacts for companies that have no person of contact - no first name/last name....this applies also to goverment and non goverment organisations - no frist name/last name. Payment is done via bank account.
  5. hadzo

    Company Only Contacts

    I will open a feature request
  6. Hi, I see Firstname/Lastname fields are requered, what about those company contacts that do not have one? How do I add them? In my country company name should be in bold and before first name/last name of the contact person - in fact the name of the contact person is not even required on invoices. Sometimes all info I have is Company name/address and company email like info@company.com - how do I enter such a company as a contact in blesta?
  7. One more questions. I need to manually enter ca 100 clients (from simpleinvoices), manually add services to each clients. This I know howto. The question is how do I change "Date Created" for an active service? I do not have this option when adding a service to a client. Here is the scenario. A client has registered a web hosting service for period 1st December 2014 - 1st December 2015. I want to have everything ready in advance and manually enter this data. If i add a web hosting service the service will have today's timestamp, it will have: - Date Created: May 23, 2014 - Date Renews: Jun 23, 2015 I need to have - Date Created: December 1, 2014 - Date Renews: December 1, 2015 but i need to add the service this month. I hope this makes sense?
  8. naja7host, thanks for your help. Under "Settings", "Invoice and Charge Options", I set "Invoice Days Before Renewal" to "Same day". Now I get this, take a look at attached pic. Invoice Renew date is May 19, Next Invoice set to May 20, how is this the same day? What am I missing.
  9. This what I do not get. Take a look at screenshot. Next invice due May 15? The order was created on May 18.
  10. So to test this I have to wait for a day to pass to check if this is what I really want. Is it possible to make the order as the client, and change the billing period 2 days before and see if 2 invoices will be created?
  11. I need someone to confirm I understood this the right way. Every package created in Blesta is a recurring unless you specify the Period for be "One Time" . So, if I create package with "Univeesal module" and name it "Daily start hosting plan" under "Pricing" set the "Period" to 1 and for "Period" I set "Daily" when a client places an order for "Daily start hosting plan" every day a new invoice will be created indefinitely? The client will get 365 invoices each year?
  12. I have Blesta 3.2 running on php-fpm and whe I want vo view an invoice I get this ERROR 500 - Internal Server Error! The logs say: FastCGI: comm with server "/var/www/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxx/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-xxxxxxxxxx" aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header 'Content-Type'
  13. https://www.internetx.com/en/software/autodns/xml-api.html https://github.com/moriz/chef-autodns-cookbook
  14. It would be great to be able to have a subdomain only for support plugin. The idea is to have http://support.domain.com/ which will access http://blesta.domain.com/client/plugin/support_manager/client_main/ BTW Is it possible in Blesta to have cleints only access the Support plugin?
  15. I did some modifications to my server like IP change etc and now I am getting following error message:
  16. My company usses autodns since 2009, is there plans for bleta to support https://www.internetx.com/en/software/autodns.html ?
  17. Thanks Paul, you gave me ideas.
  18. I have few resellers who resell my hosting plans. Those clients are people who mostly do not have email and therefore the reseller orders in behalf of them but fills out their name in the order. The order was not made via blesta hence the problem. 1. How do I solve this? 2. Do I manually create an account for each client? 3. If so what email do I put in since the most of the clients do not have emails? 4. Few of the clients that have emails will ignore the email hence I need to phone them. How do I get a notification from blesta when a service expires for a client? Before Blesta I did everything manually and send out invoices via email and post. Now I am having hard time people switching to Blesta. 95% of my clients are recurring therefore I need to do this a safe way and not lose them.
  19. Howto install on Debian - http://support.ajenti.org/topic/353398-installing-ajenti-v-on-debian/ Howto setup a PHP website - http://support.ajenti.org/topic/353409-setting-up-a-php-website-with-ajenti-v-wordpress-example/ Howto setup a Rails site - http://support.ajenti.org/topic/353433-setting-up-a-rails-website-with-ajenti-v-redmine-example/
  20. hadzo

    Release 3.1.0

    ISPConfig 3 would be great.
  21. Not sure if this is possible, but I would like Blesta to integrate with Ajenti. http://ajenti.org/
  22. hadzo

    Release 3.1.0

    Just upgraded. Testing, looks good for now. Do you plan to support any open source control panel?
  23. CubicWebs, I am looking at yours products at https://billing.cubicwebs.com/plugin/order/main/index/shared-hosting When I select Shared hosting I get a Domain and password field, is that the way you know what domain to tie to the ordered web hosting? Is there a way to bundle the a domain product (LogicBoxes) with a General type product like web hosting? My question is: How do I make a single order form in which the client enters the domain, does a registration or transfer and buys a web hosting product?
  24. hadzo

    Failed Transfer

    Ok, but what do I do if the a transfer fails? Hot do I start over with the whole process?
  25. I am not performing the transfer, I am talking about the first step of checking if the domain is available to transfer ot not.
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