I can run as many times as I want and the CLI will detect a betsa version and upgrade
php ./index.php admin/upgrade
Blesta CLI Upgrader
Upgrade from 4.2.0-b2 to 4.2.0? (Y/N): Y
7/7 [========================================] 100%
4/4 [========================================] 100%
2/2 [========================================] 100%
I upgraded to 4.2.0 and now I can not create invoices I get 'Invalid invoice ID.'
p.s. after I uploaded 4.2.0 files via ftp and accesses admin/settings/system/upgrade/ 'I got Upgrade options are not available at this time.' which is weird.
The cantons in the dropdown shown at the attached screenshot are not correctly represented as cantons are child of Federation of BiH. Take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantons_of_the_Federation_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina
Not true. OpenVZ is not being developed anymore...at least not as a container technology. I use Proxmox with lxc and it is great. Using native Linux kernel technology as lxc is the way to go.
I visited your site on regular basis lately and was afraid Blesta development kinda slowed down...I will have to purchase another license in couple of months and wanted to check if new version was out....good luck.
How can I generate a total sum report of monthly recurring invoices? This report would provide information how much income does a single customer generate on monthly basis.
I integrated support tickets with my email. Every email sent to that email address will be opened as a ticket. But when a customer replies the reply is opened as a new ticket.
Other solutions assign a unique id and change the subject of the email that is the notification sent out to the user notifying him that the ticket has been received will contain a unique subject id so that every email send back and forth will be tied to the same ticket id.