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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Gateway names are stored in the database upon installation. They don't refer to a language definition.
  2. I meant 'total_pages' rather than 'total_results' above. I'd have to see how you're setting your results into the template to show you where it's going wrong. But the number of results you show on the page is independent of the pagination. It sounds like the pagination is working correctly by showing the correct number of pages for the number of results you say you have. However, the number of results you set in your template does not coincide with the number you told the pagination you would set. This sounds like an issue with how you're fetching or displaying the data rather than a problem with pagination. Using $this->setPerPage() in a model simply overrides the default 'per page' value of a query, which is generally used in calculating the result list to fetch in the limit clause of your queries.
  3. What you have there looks like it should work to me, so long as you don't have a 'total_results' key, or 'total_results' = 0.
  4. Interestingly, I do not experience this issue, but I did fix what would have caused it.
  5. Fixed in CORE-1379.
  6. Tyson

    500 Error

    Do you have an htaccess in the root web directory that might be conflicting? If you changed the /client/ directory to be a subdomain, you'd need to update the company hostname in Blesta to include the subdomain.
  7. Is it that it runs successfully manually, but stalls when it runs automatically? Any errors logged from php or the web server?
  8. That error looks like a normal logged message. The cron task shouldn't have stalled because of that. Did the task finish running? No other errors? Unfortunately that error doesn't tell us much. There is some array index being referenced that doesn't exist, presumably for the second invoice to be delivered. Not sure why that would be. I wonder if you will have the same problem when downloading multiple invoices. The print queue does almost the same thing as that cron task. You can edit the two invoices and set to deliver them via Paper. Then, head over to [billing] -> [Print Queue] and click to Print the selected invoices. This will prompt you to download a PDF containing the invoices so that you can print them manually. If that is successful, then I'm not sure what the problem could be.
  9. Modules/gateways can't set their own messages to a view. The caller handles any messages by either creating their own, or setting errors it receives from the module/gateway as set with Input::errors().
  10. Thanks - CORE-1379
  11. You'll need to clear that task first, then run the cron manually from that link. If you want to clear the task immediately (if no link appears to do so in the UI yet), you would need to do so directly on the database. You can run the query in the second post of this thread to do so.
  12. This may be caused by Invalid Plesk credentials set in Blesta No plans exist in Plesk The Plesk API is not setup through your account to allow communication with Blesta
  13. Windows has "scheduled tasks" as opposed to "cron", but the result is the same. You may need to enable error reporting in the config first, otherwise errors may not be shown. Updated /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then run the cron manually.
  14. Yeah, it probably is not including helpers. Not sure why, but it can be added.
  15. I think the status of those services is 'in review', which is a custom status the order plugin creates for these kinds of services. The Blesta core isn't aware that that custom status exists, and plugins don't have a method by which to integrate themselves into other core widgets, which is why the CORE-1228 solution is to show a message elsewhere on the page instead.
  16. A link should appear on the automation page after some time, which will let you reset the task. After resetting it, you should try running the cron manually. If there is an error, you may see it in the output from running the cron manually. You could also check the php and apache logs for an error, if there was one.
  17. Thanks - CORE-1377.
  18. Thanks - CORE-1376
  19. Are you talking about pagination links? The language for that is under /helpers/pagination/language/
  20. Yes, that indicates the task is currently running, delivering invoices. If you have a lot queued it could take some time. Or, like Licensecart said, if it failed while it was running, it could have stalled in its running state.
  21. No, this does not calculate a sum. This only displays each invoice's previous due amount, e.g. {% for invoice in invoices} Invoice: #{invoice.id_code} Invoice Total: {invoice.due | currency_format invoice.currency} Previous Due: {invoice.previous_due | currency_format invoice.currency} {% endfor %} -- Invoice: #1003 Invoice Total: $20.00 Previous Due: $50.00 Invoice: #1002 Invoice Total: $40.00 Previous Due: $10.00 Invoice: #1001 Invoice Total: $10.00 Previous Due: $0.00 Yes, it will show how much was paid to each invoice, e.g. This invoice already has already had $0.00 paid toward it. This invoice already has already had $10.00 paid toward it. This invoice already has already had $15.25 paid toward it. Sounds like you're going for kind-of a "invoices summary/overview", which may be better suited to a new email template instead. The scope of the Invoice Delivery (Unpaid) template is mainly to notify a client of that specific invoice (or set of invoices). But I can see how additional outstanding/paid/due totals might be useful as well.
  22. The tasks are listed under [settings] -> [Company] -> [Automation]. From there you can set whether a task is enabled and when it runs.
  23. As naja7host mentioned, the URL "https://:0/soap?wsdl" is missing the host name and uses a bad port. The host name is also missing before "|createReseller" in the log. The Interworx module gets the IP and Port from the Interworx module row, which you set in [settings] -> [Company] -> [Modules] -> (Manage) Interworx -> (Edit) server. If you have the Hostname and Port set properly for the module row, then try updating the Interworx Package under [Packages]. The package may be referencing an invalid module row. Re-save the package and try again.
  24. You can run cron tasks one at a time, but you cannot force it to ignore its schedule. If you could force a task to run, some issues may arise, as some tasks perform actions that could have a negative impact if they were to run more often than their scheduled interval, such as the Create Invoice task.
  25. The cron runs as often as it is scheduled. Running it manually observes the same schedule, and will not run tasks that are not ready to be run. If you have unsent invoices that are scheduled to be delivered, they should be sent by cron within the interval you have set under [settings] -> [Company] -> [Automation] -> "Deliver Invoices".
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