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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Limitations may include: The data stored in Blesta for the service is now incomplete or incorrect. For instance, if the service has been edited, or the admin/client made changes to the service through the module directly, bypassing Blesta. Passwords won't be known, nor retrievable etc.
  2. How can you re-send something that was never sent in the first place? It sounds like your request is to create a service email and then send it.
  3. You should always sanitize your input.
  4. What is the input log before that error? API requests that use the sandbox go through https://sandbox.gogetssl.com/api
  5. I'm not able to duplicate this issue. The status is changed from void to proforma as expected.
  6. Looks like you're correct, the string "this" is supposed to automatically trigger an object instance from that class. Are you sure your callback is not being called? How are you evaluating whether the method was called? They will only be called if a transaction was successfully added or edited.
  7. Are the versions of Blesta the same? If so, sounds like a styling issue, or missing files.
  8. Tyson

    Generate Password

    ou can setup custom client fields to add a field for PIN.
  9. I don't think it renders an error on the order form, but I think no prices appear because it doesn't perform any currency conversion due to that setting. You would need to make sure that the currencies you set on your order form are defined for each package. I think it makes sense that you check your multi-currency settings when attempting to accept multiple currencies. It's always a good idea to go through and configure each setting after an installation since the default values may not be for you.
  10. Implementing PauloV's change would also make the value not reset per {year}, since that value is only intended to be the start value.
  11. I don't encounter this issue. It sounds like it was originally created as a draft or active invoice first.
  12. Which docs are you referring to? The callback specifies the "notify" and "notify_edit" methods, but does not specify from which class those would be called.
  13. You don't need to setup prices in every currency when "Use Package Pricing for New Services Only" is checked. This depends entirely on what you are offering customers and whether you want certain packages/terms to be available in one currency versus another. Multi-currency is supported either way. Checking that setting will simply disable currency conversions, thus requiring that the package/term be ordered in the currency in which it is defined.
  14. Your events define a callback array with the string "this". I assume you're using this to register events, in which case the first index should be a reference to the object whose method (second index) is to be called. e.g. array( 'event' => "Transactions.edit", 'callback' => array($this, "notify_edit") )
  15. You're probably missing a closing </div> somewhere between the portal and footer.
  16. Blesta processes user information in a certain order, which is to say the user (with a username) must be created before the client (with the email address), and errors in the former are shown before the latter is attempted, and the type of username (email) is not relevant to that error. I don't see how the "please enter a username" error could be inferred as the "use email as username" option didn't function properly, though. Moving to feature requests.
  17. In order for the transaction status to change, it's status must be updated, so yes.
  18. Sounds good. Going to close this thread as not a bug.
  19. This sounds like a misconfiguration with Interworx rather than Blesta. Blesta does not set a language for a user that is created in Interworx. If you believe that to be the issue, you may need to contact Interworx for help. The error, however, indicates: master_domain_ipv4: "no_ips" Ez nem érvényes a lehetőség i.e. "no_ips" is not a valid option Blesta doesn't set a "no_ips" option when creating a user or service in Interworx either, but does try to fetch IP address from Interworx for the new user. It may be that there are no IPs available in Interworx. The log of what Blesta sent to Interworx would be useful before the log you provided above.
  20. We haven't yet gotten to that module. Looks like it's been pushed back to v3.5 of Blesta in CORE-511, probably due to it being low priority.
  21. An issue like that could be caused by any of numerous reasons. You may want check out these possible solutions. If you want to check whether the issue is with the server/Blesta (as opposed to your computer/connection), then you can create a pending Interworx service for a client. Then pay the invoice that is created and let the cron run to provision the service. Afterward, check to see if the service has been added in Interworx and Blesta. Take a look at the Module logs for details if the service doesn't provision.
  22. A transaction will exist for all payments. Either a new one is created, or another is used (e.g. apply credits). Always. A transaction exists regardless of an invoice. In this case it would be a credit on the client's account.
  23. Module::arrayToModuleFields is intended to be a general helper method for converting an array to module fields for all field types. It's not intended to support the use of every parameter that could be passed to every other module field call, such as option_attributes for select fields. You may also notice that it does not support attributes for labels, or to allow label tags to be preserved. Likewise, multi-select fields are not supported. If you needed to set those specific fields or attributes, you could create those as individual ModuleFields separately and pass them in the second parameter to Module::arrayToModuleFields. Otherwise, you could write a specific helper method for your module to aid in module field construction. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the currently-selected value for a field should be set in the third parameter ($vars) passed into ModuleFields::arrayToModuleFields, and field attributes set via key "attributes" in $arr. e.g. // Fields $arr = array( 'country' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Webdrive.whois.Country", true), 'type' => "select", 'options' => array( 'NZ' => "New Zealand" ), 'attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => Language::_("Webdrive.whois.Country", true) ) ), ); // Selected values $vars = (object)array( 'country' => "NZ" ); $fields = $this->arrayToModuleFields($arr, null, $vars);
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