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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. H2o is not designed to support grouped logic statements (i.e. an if combined with an else), as it intends to be simple, and currently allows both of those conditions to be used individually. You may want to consider simplifying your template such that you don't need a third condition.
  2. Thanks for the details. It looks like this is an issue with the cron processing renewals. A fix for this will be available in v3.3.2, which should be out later this week. CORE-1500
  3. Tyson


    Sure, I can add Vietnamese to the translator soon.
  4. What are you trying to do? Bug reports should follow the details described in How to Report a Bug, but this sounds like more of a support request. The error "The license key is already in use" looks like a legitimate error encountered when you tried to re-use a license key.
  5. This is currenttly scheduled for v3.4 in CORE-1489.
  6. Closing thread as not a bug. This is more of an improvement (feature request), which already exists and naja7host linked to.
  7. CORE-1499
  8. This is fixed in CORE-1497.
  9. This has been fixed in v3.3.1.
  10. You may want to consider updating UniversalModule::editService to pass in the $service to UniversalModule::processService where you can perform additional checks using the service information.
  11. How are you differentiating HDD vs SSD? Is it a configurable option, or a separate package altogether? If it's a configurable option, you may have the HDD option set for the package that should be using the SSD option instead. Otherwise, linking to the order form with the group_id, as you have described, looks correct to me.
  12. How are you checking whether the PDF language has been updated? If you setup a new language and then change the default language for a customer to that language, they will view content in that language after they login. Since you're staff, you see content in the company's default language even if you click to "Login as Client". Only if you are actually logged in as a client would you see content in the client's default language.
  13. We'd need more details as described in How to Report a Bug. I assume you're referring to the Universal Module and the cron renewing services, correct? There are two separate tasks that handle when a service renews versus when the service renew date updates. It may be that the service is not renewing because the cron task is not enabled, or the service is not ready to renew yet. If the invoice containing that service is unpaid, for example, the service would not renew.
  14. CORE-562
  15. A market place has been planned since the early stages of development, which is why a Marketplace section exists in the system settings in Blesta. But more on the market place will be coming soon.
  16. Tyson

    Credit Problem

    Sounds like CORE-1489, which is an improvement that is scheduled for v3.4.
  17. Tyson

    Credit Problem

    The option to pay via credit should appear if a credit exists in the currency of the service being ordered the order form type is Standard or Wizard* (not AJAX*)
  18. Tyson

    Credit Problem

    The ability to pay for a service using existing credits was added in v3.3.0. As an admin, you can go to the client's profile page and click Record Payment under Actions, where you will see the option to Apply Credits to invoices (in the same currency as the credit). As a client, when placing an order, there is a similar checkbox shown on the page where they select a payment method if they have any credits available. And the client can then pay for the service using the credit from their account.
  19. Yes, currency as a variable will work as you described.
  20. You should have an entry in the Module Logs related to that suspension attempt. Since your product is setup with a Suspension URL, you received that error after the module attempted to notify that URL, but either received no response, or a response that did not satisfy the expected response/code you have set.
  21. Sounds like an issue with the mobile browser. Have you tried using a different browser?
  22. I'm not sure much will be done with coupons until after they have been refactored as apart of CORE-171. But as you mentioned, in the meantime, you can specify an absurdly large number of uses to provide the same general effect.
  23. Tyson

    Sftp Backup Failing

    Have you tried to force the backup manually through the interface? Does it encounter an error then?
  24. Are you sure your package pricing was set to only 3 character currency codes? It sounds as if they may not have all been 3 characters when they were imported, and updating the package fails because it's attempting to re-use an incorrect currency code.
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