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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. I think the error says it all. KVM doesn't support root password changes via the API. What 'generation' of KVM templates are you using? See their documentation.
  2. It's up to the order form to determine its flow. Some forms may not allow a user to go back, or it may not make sense to allow for it (e.g. AJAX forms) until they empty their cart or perform some other action. The standard order template shows each step (1 - 4), which may be what you'd like to use if you want a stepwise process with the option to go back to a previous step.
  3. The default sorting field is defined programmatically based on the query used to fetch data for each table. You couldn't change the default sort field without passing in a sort value, which is done by clicking on one of the table columns to change the sort/order.
  4. Do you receive this error when using Blesta v3.4.0?
  5. Company hostname should just be "mydomain.com". The Root Web Directory should be the full path to the web directory (not where Blesta is installed), e.g. "/home/user/public_html/" If you email yourself a copy of a client's invoice, the email template should contain the concatenation of your company hostname, web directory (i.e. "services/"), and the location of the client interface from the routes (default "client/"), e.g. "mydomain.com/services/client/". Check your Invoice Due (Unpaid) email template URLs. If it still appears to be an incorrect URL, try navigating through pages in the client interface. The client interface uses the same URLs.
  6. What LukesUbuntu mentioned should suffice for fetching client data in case you want to omit or prepopulate field data. There is no difference between adding the service as an admin or a client, so an admin ID shouldn't be relevant.
  7. The contact's username is what must be unique. You could use the same email address for multiple contacts so long as your username is not your email address. In this case the contact would need to login to each account separately using a separate username, but can receive all notices to the same email address. Yes, thanks. I think Licensecart mentioned that is on our radar as apart of CORE-450. I don't suspect it to be a difficult feature to include.
  8. How are you getting to the AJAX Cart page from the interface? The AJAX order form does not contain a cart template because it does not use one. If you are providing a link from your website directly to the cart page, then you should not do so for AJAX order forms.
  9. Yes, we would have liked for the module to handle the certificate details after checkout, as well as to use a drop-down menu of countries to solve the issues you mentioned. However, since we didn't initially create the module, we would need to rewrite it to accommodate these additions, and unfortunately haven't yet had the time to make them.
  10. The translator currently allows for contributors to fetch a Google translation before saving their own. In the future, we will likely start out each language completely translated by Google, and allow contributors to revise them. There are about a dozen contributors that have translated Hungarian at the moment, and we cannot simply delete all of their translations. However, as more contributors translate the definitions, the more accurate they will become. But if you notice improper translations, such as random text or profanity, then we can take a look at those individually.
  11. Tyson

    Pp Sandbox Questions

    It sounds like the payment went through successfully. Is the service status indeed "Pending", or "In Review"? If it is "In Review": If it is, indeed, "Pending": The error you received suggests that you may not have email delivery setup correctly. Check your settings under [settings] -> [Emails] -> [Mail Settings]. If you're using SMTP, ensure that the credentials are correct.
  12. Look at your package welcome email. Find any use of {module.*} and remove it. {module.*} is not a valid tag. The asterisk simply indicates that there could be "any" field available, and that it depends on the module. For example, cPanel supports the {module.host_name} tag, but the module you're using may differ. This goes for {service.*} and {package.*} tags as well.
  13. Tyson

    Pp Sandbox Questions

    Could you elaborate on what you are doing? It sounds like you have a file available for download only to users that have purchased a particular service (package), correct? If there is no error regarding the payment, there should be a transaction in the client's account regarding the payment. Does the transaction cover the full amount on the invoice? Is the invoice marked 'Closed'? Regardless of whether you receive an email notification, if the invoice is fully paid and closed, and assuming you have setup the download manager as I just described, the client should have access to the file.
  14. +1530 I don't have an ETA on this addition.
  15. To clarify the OP's question without a video, the "Term" is the unit interval (as an integer, e.g. 1, 2, 10, etc.), and the "Period" is the unit of time (e.g. day, week, month, year) to span for each recurrence. For example, setting a term of "3" and a period of "Week" would equate to a recurrence every 3 weeks.
  16. Tyson

    Pp Sandbox Questions

    What version of Blesta are you using? As of v3.4, you will receive an email from Blesta if you have the "Payment Received (Non-merchant)" email template enabled. Otherwise, PayPal determines whether to send an email. I would suggest taking a look at the gateway logs under [Tools] -> [Logs] -> [Gateways]. Click on the table row for the PayPal transaction and check to see if there are any errors.
  17. A contact's relationship is one-to-one with the client. A user that should have access to multiple clients would need to be added to each separately. I'm not sure I understand the question. Can you clarify?
  18. It looks like you may need to update the piping file (/plugin/support_manager/pipe.php) to add in the hashbang at the top of the file. Take a look at the docs for specifics.
  19. FYI, you can remove the ability to use payment accounts by unchecking the boxes under [settings] -> [billing/Payment] -> [Accepted Payment Types]. For partial payments, take a look at this discussion.
  20. Since you noticed the background has changed, the image is being loaded, but may not be displayed in the correct location. You may need to set its position as well. For a better overwrite, try setting the background property rather than background-image.
  21. Do you have a backup of your configuration file (/config/blesta.php)? That is necessary, in addition to the database backup, to restore the system.
  22. This has been planned since v3.0.0 in CORE-605, but has simply not been a high priority for us yet.
  23. If the module is changed to a totally different one, the services would not be usable whether the module_row_id were propagated to each one or not. The service fields would no longer be valid and there is no method by which to automatically determine what values they should contain. The fields for each service would need to be updated manually. So the module_row_id propagation would be necessary, but not sufficient. Short of creating a mapping system whereby changing a package's module subsequently requires you to manually update the fields for every service that uses that package, I don't think it's possible to maintain services from a package whose module is changed. There is no easy solution to accommodate a package module change. You could cancel all existing services and re-add them; add a separate package for the different module, and maintain the use of both packages; or manually update each service's fields manually, which is not always possible through the interface, depending on the module.
  24. Tyson

    Have The Tags Changed

    {module.host_name} comes directly from the module row. Check that cPanel's module row contains valid data.
  25. It could be some backward incompatibility change that GoGetSSL made with the sandbox API, or otherwise disabled. It makes it difficult to debug potential issues when their sandbox and live API's differ.
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