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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. This sounds like something possible via a plugin and vQmod.
  2. Referencing the roadmap may give you an idea of when a release is coming up by looking at tasks that have been completed for a given version. Our release dates are typically "when it's done" rather than some desired date in the future that would likely get changed.
  3. I think this is his resolution (the use of the 'vars' array):
  4. Thanks for the video. Interestingly, I still haven't encountered the issue with the English text appearing in the German tab for a package copy. But there is probably some other condition necessary to encounter it. CORE-1774
  5. Did you recently upgrade Blesta to v3.5.1 and forget to run the upgrade at /admin/upgrade/? Currency precision was added in v3.5.1, and your issue sounds like the amount precision is evaluating to zero decimal places because you have not run the upgrade script. Make sure you've run the upgrade and then head over to [settings] -> [Currencies] -> [Active Currencies] to set the currency precision. CAD is not included in Blesta, so it would default to 4.
  6. I think the Invalid client ID error is encountered because you're probably using the client ID number rather than the system-level client ID. The number shown in the client profile is the client ID number, e.g. "Client #1501". However, the ID that you must use is unrelated to that number. If you look in the URL when you view a client's profile, the number at the end is the ID you want to use. e.g. The client ID in this example would be "2": /admin/clients/view/2/ $vars = array( "client_id" => 2, "lines" => array( array( "description" => "test item", "qty" => "1", "amount" => "10" ) ) ); $this->Invoices->edit($invoice_id, $vars);
  7. Sounds like that may be a bug then. Content shouldn't be shown in a language tab unless it was written to it specifically. Is this something you can duplicate consistently? If so, can you detail a few steps for me to reproduce it myself? I've yet to experience this issue.
  8. Have you checked for errors? e.g. $this->Invoices->edit($invoice_id, $vars); print_r($this->Invoices->errors());
  9. Is your client group overriding the company Invoice and Charge Options shown in your screenshot? If so, you may have different settings configured for the client group that determine invoicing/suspension days. The renew date and last renew date get bumped when an invoice is generated for the renewing service. Assuming you are using the company Invoice and Charge Options from your screenshot, an invoice should have been created for this renewing service on July 14, 2015 that is due July 24, 2015. Five days later on July 29, 2015, if the invoice has not been paid, the service would have been suspended. So I would like to know whether you have the client group overridding the company settings, and if so, what settings are set? It would be useful to know what invoices were created for this service in the past, on what dates, and whether they have been paid. If you think identical duplicate invoices are being created, it would also be useful to know when they are being created and how often. Usually something like this occurs if the cron logs are missing or have been deleted for recent cron runs of the Create Invoices task. How often is your cron running?
  10. So is the English text in the German tab something you added? I'm not sure where your screenshot is from. e.g. package welcome email? But the original request to show the default language tab by default sounds reasonable. CORE-1770.
  11. Just to add to Licensecart's answers: Yes. Blesta has a cPanel module that it comes with by default. You would just install and configure the module under [settings] -> [Modules] -> [Available]. I think there are also third-party cPanel modules floating around the forums here that may have support for additional functionality. What you've described is how Blesta's cPanel module works. As long as you have multiple servers setup, the module will assign the user to the one with the fewest number of accounts on it. When the client pays his invoice for a cPanel service in Blesta, the system will automatically provision the service via cron by creating the cPanel account. Just make sure your cron is setup and running at scheduled intervals. We recommend setting it up to run every 5 minutes. Blesta was designed to be simple and easy-to-use. It comes with a Support Manager plugin to handle tickets via the admin/client UI and via email, according to the preferences you configure. You would just install the plugin under [settings] -> [Plugins] -> [Available], and a link to "Support" will appear in the primary navigation where you can configure support staff, support departments, and manage tickets. The client can view their invoices, tickets, transactions, company info, etc., from their account in the client interface. You can also "login" as them from the admin interface to see what they would see when they login. An excellent question. Based on your questions I would say yes. But the best way to know if it meets all of your requirements is to try it. You can take a look at the demo, or download it and select the free 30-day trial to give it a spin on your own machine. These forums are a good place to find answers to questions you may have if anything should come up.
  12. Oh, are you using blestaSetHeadTag in a module? If so, check the path to the javascript file. Is it /components/modules/your_module/views/default/js/jquery.modal.js ? If so, are you sure a <script> tag is not being added to the <head> along with the CSS? There shouldn't be an issue setting the javascript file if you can also set a CSS file.
  13. The API makes public model methods available, but it sounds like you're looking for language that represents the plugin name. In this case you don't want to fetch information from the plugin directly, but instead want to fetch the plugin details from the PluginManager. e.g. $response = $api->get("plugin_manager", "get", array('plugin_id' => 1, 'detailed' => true)); To open a ticket from the API, you can use the Support Manager plugin included with Blesta and make two calls to 1) create the ticket and 2) add the ticket reply to the ticket. e.g. $ticket_data = array( 'ticket_id' => 1, // the ID of the ticket that was just created 'vars' => array( 'department_id' => 1, // ticket belongs to this department 'staff_id' => 1, // ticket assigned this staff user 'service_id' => null, // ticket is in relation to this service 'client_id' => 1, // ticket belongs to this client 'email' => null, // ticket was emailed into the system from this address 'summary' => "I have an issue", // summary line of the ticket 'priority' => "critical", // priority of the ticket 'status' => "open", // status of the ticket ) ); $response = $api->get("support_manager.support_manager_tickets", "add", $ticket_data); # TODO: make sure the ticket is actually created, then add a reply to it $reply_data = array( 'vars' => array( 'staff_id' => null, // the reply is from this staff user 'client_id' => 1, // the reply is from this client user 'contact_id' => null, // the reply is from this client contact user 'type' => "reply", // this is a ticket reply 'details' => "My issue is that...", // the ticket reply description 'department_id' => 1, // the ticket's assigned department 'summary' => "I have an issue", // summary line of the ticket 'priority' => "critical", // priority of the ticket 'status' => "open", // status of the ticket 'ticket_staff_id' => null, // the staff user the ticket is assigned to ), 'files' => null, 'new_ticket' => true // this reply is for a newly created ticket ); $response = $api->post("support_manager.support_manager_tickets", "addReply", $reply_data);
  14. What do you mean by selecting the default tab? Do you mean if your default language is English that the English tab should be selected by default when you visit the page? What do you experience now?
  15. If you're referring to [billing] -> [services] as naja7host described, then since there is a tooltip to show the customer's name, you could update the template to add a dedicated column to the table for it instead. I like the idea of you being able to choose data you want to include as columns in a table for more flexibility. That would be a good feature request.
  16. The cron command shown in Blesta is an example of what you need to use to create a cron job on your server. The command itself is read-only. e.g. */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/blesta/index.php cron You need to create a cron job on the web server and ensure it is running at its scheduled interval. We recommend an interval of 5 minutes. There are a lot of environments out there, so we can't be more specific without knowing more about where you have Blesta installed. If you have a cPanel account, for example, setting up a cron job is pretty simple through the interface via the "Cron Jobs" section. Until that is resolved, you should run the cron manually (at least once a day) to ensure invoices are created daily.
  17. PauloV created the Support Manager Pro, so he would be the best person to ask for the specifics. Since his plugin is based on the Support Manager included with Blesta, I can say that the service ID field for tickets is intended for use in relating the ticket to a service that would be the topic of the ticket's conversation.
  18. Tyson

    Support Request Failed

    It's possible the customer could have changed the ticket hash/code in the subject line before they sent the email. In that case they would have received the bounce response. If they corrected it and sent the email again, then the system would have added the ticket reply to the system. If this customer gets the bounce email each time they reply to an email, you may want to check your mail server records for the emails being received and check the headers for the from/to addresses, subject line, etc., to see if you're receiving multiple emails at about the same time, whether the addresses are incorrect, or the subject differs from what is expected.
  19. It's possible, but not recommended for the aforementioned reason of breaking the MVC design pattern. It is simpler for the controller to just call a plugin's model that creates the query and returns the results. Take a look here. Call the API using the plugin's name and model, e.g. consider fetching a support department from the support manager plugin: $response = $api->get("support_manager.support_manager_departments", "get", array('department_id' => 1)); Could you clarify?
  20. It would help to know the recurring invoice settings you have configured for the invoice in question (i.e. term, period, duration, renew date). You can find this information when you edit the recurring invoice. Recurring invoices are dispatched when the "Create Invoice" automation task runs. You should make sure this task is enabled and running at the time it is scheduled to run as defined under the [settings] -> [Automation] page. If there is an issue with the cron running to create the invoices, this will account for the failure of recurring invoices being created that you're referring to.
  21. Are you sure only the CSS is not loaded? It looks like you're using $this->view_dir outside of PHP. I would guess this is the problem with each of the URLs you listed. e.g. this: $(this).blestaSetHeadTag('script', {type:'text/javascript', src:'". $this->view_dir ."js/jquery.modal.js'}); should be: $(this).blestaSetHeadTag('script', {type:'text/javascript', src:'<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->view_dir ."js/jquery.modal.js");?>'});
  22. Double-check the "Post URL/Email" field contains a valid email address on the Universal Module product. The email address shouldn't contain any white-space. The "isEmail" rule you're referring to also checks DNS, so the email address' domain should resolve.
  23. No, such a URI does not route to a valid method in the AdminCompanyModules controller. The module itself would not be called. Modules aren't directly accessible through any URI; only via the system calling its defined methods. You would have to make core changes to the company module settings and the module system to support additional actions.
  24. How often do you usually change languages on a site? I can see a drop-down option for potential customers that have not logged in yet because the system doesn't yet know which language they prefer. However, if you are already logged in to your account as a staff or a client, it seems unlikely you will want to change your language very often, and that option may be better suited to a setting on a settings page rather than a drop-down selector on every page.
  25. There is a previous amount due available on the invoice that might be useful, e.g. {% for invoice in invoices %} Previous Amount Due: {invoice.previous_due | currency_format invoice.currency} {% endfor %}
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