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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Thanks. This is fixed in CORE-2813 for v4.4.0. In the interim, you can patch this yourself by updating /components/reports/tax_liability/tax_liability.php Find the following line: 'invoices.subtotal', 'invoices.currency', 'invoices.date_closed', Replace it with: 'invoices.id', 'invoices.subtotal', 'invoices.currency', 'invoices.date_closed',
  2. I don't encounter that particular error, but it looks like a simple fix nonetheless. CORE-2812
  3. The h2o library is attempting to write it to a random directory. The user it's running as likely doesn't have write permission, and so it falls back to the system's temp directory. It's possible a cache directory could be specified when loading the h2o library, which may work around it. This isn't the first php 7 issue with this library though. It's dated and I'd like to replace it.
  4. The event listeners will fallback to the default location of the core observers if you do not specific your own callback when registering the event. Don't use the Events component, it has been deprecated and will be removed. Use \Blesta\Core\Util\Events\* as described in the documentation. Also take a look at the README under /blesta/core/Util/Events/ on the file system.
  5. php 7.1 added an error notice when calling tempnam in which it falls back to using the system's temporary directory. That will be displayed if error reporting is enabled. This is a new requirement added in php 7.2. A simple fix can be added to that module template to resolve that issue, which should be in the next version.
  6. That will be fixed in v4.4. You may have a misconfigured add-on service, or the client may be intentionally submitting bad input, which causes that error.
  7. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the Billing Overview plugin.
  8. The problem with those structure events is that they are dependent upon the design of the website and are specific to Blesta's current default templates. This limits their usefulness with custom templates and would cause us problems to support in the default templates should we change the design of the interface. There may be another route to go depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
  9. @PaulI can download them from docs.blesta.com, but only from the forums if I'm logged in. There may be a user permission issue on downloading that file.
  10. Did you load the Container trait as shown in my example? That should work just fine. Models and controllers can call getFromContainer because they inherit from AppController/AppModel, which uses the Container trait.
  11. Yes, that's correct.
  12. <?php use Blesta\Core\Util\Common\Traits\Container; class MyClass { use Container; public function myMethod() { if (($logger = $this->getFromContainer('logger'))) { $logger->info('The Logger is loaded'); } } }
  13. Looks like the response from Plesk wasn't logged, perhaps due to another error. Unfortunately, some debugging is necessary to see what's going on. Let's begin by trying to determine what Plesk is responding with. Could you update the file /components/modules/plesk/plesk.php? Toward the bottom of that file you should be able to find the following: private function parseResponse(PleskResponse $response, $module_row = null, $ignore_error = false) { Loader::loadHelpers($this, ['Html']); // Set the module row if (!$module_row) { $module_row = $this->getModuleRow(); } $success = false; Update that by adding a new line to log the raw response from Plesk: private function parseResponse(PleskResponse $response, $module_row = null, $ignore_error = false) { Loader::loadHelpers($this, ['Html']); // Set the module row if (!$module_row) { $module_row = $this->getModuleRow(); } $this->log($module_row->meta->ip_address, $response->raw(), 'output', false); $success = false; Save that and make sure it's uploaded to the server, then try to access the plans again. Afterward, look at the module log and see if there is a second entry for the "Output" direction. Is there any data?
  14. FYI, assuming your quantity has no max limit, you can leave the package option's "Max" quantity blank and it will automatically render a text field instead of the slider.
  15. This would be the problem. It looks like Plesk is not responding with a valid result, or it's timing out, etc., and then that error is encountered because that "response" is unexpected. When looking at the logs under Tools > Logs > Module, click the table row to expand that particular request to show all Input/Output. It would be useful to know if any of the Output records have an error status, and what the response is in that case.
  16. You should upload the content of the "public_html" directory from your downloaded translations to the root directory where Blesta is installed on your server. For example: Blesta is installed at "manage.mydomain.com", but the file structure is "/home/user/username/public_html/manage/" Upload the files to the "/home/user/username/public_html/manage/" directory Upload what is _inside_ the "public_html" directory from your downloaded translations, not the "public_html" directory itself
  17. Tyson

    AR Aging

    If you're familiar with php you can update /components/reports/aging_invoices/aging_invoices.php to alter the data export for the AR report.
  18. Thank you for providing additional information to help us duplicate the issue. I'm not sure exactly why the package option was created without a value set, however, you should be able to delete that package option from the system and create another one instead. I did encounter the error, as you described, when the "min" quantity is left blank. We will look into fixing that soon in CORE-2804.
  19. What value did you have it at before that caused the system to run out of memory?
  20. Interesting. I wasn't able to duplicate that behavior. But I am curious.. did you receive a message when you created the package option yesterday? Either a success message in a green box, or an error message in a red box? Can you replicate this problem by creating the same package option with the same information and the same values/pricing? If so, please let me know the details so I can try it myself.
  21. Tyson

    AR Aging

    The AR report lists open invoices in the given status that were due at least 30 days ago. It breaks them down by 30/60/90 day intervals past due for reference. If you just need a list of open invoices, you can create a custom report fairly easily to generate you that list. Otherwise, it sounds like you may be interested in adding a "0" column to the AR report so that it will list all open invoices that were due at least 0 days ago and breaks them down by 0/30/60/90 day intervals.
  22. What appears under the "Options" section? What did you change with the package option on edit?
  23. Did this occur with a renewing service for which a new invoice was created? Can you provide details on the service dates (creation, renews, etc.) and the package configuration (term, period, etc.)?
  24. Do you use the default English, US language definitions included with Blesta? Invoice line item descriptions are created from a set of language definitions based on the service (e.g. start/end dates, package name, service label), so some services may not display dates in the invoice description, like "Domain - domain.com (August 1, 2018 - August 1, 2019)", such as one-time services
  25. This is on the PDF invoice, correct? If so, I believe you want to change the invoice line item total to the invoice line item subtotal, i.e. (from /components/invoice_templates/default_invoice_pdf.php): Find and change: $this->invoice->line_items[$i]->total to: $this->invoice->line_items[$i]->subtotal
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